Catching chromis tips


please post ur tips or special ways to catch green chromis. I have heard that they r hard to catch and i am going to get some in the future and want to learn some tips on catching these guys incase i have to get them out. thanks :D
indeed they are. if I ever have to get mine out again to move them, im just going to get my

gun from the basement and pic them off. JP!! but seriously the only way I could catch them was with 2 people. took out most of the LR and me and my dad each had a net and it took us aboue 30 minutes. never want to do it again


I just saw this post you had on another thread...
3 green chromis
domino damsel
picasso trigger
flame angel
bi color blenny
brittle starfish
flame hawkfish
Just wanted you to be aware... your shrimp is toast... :eek: Just a matter of time before the trigger or the hawkfish have a nice lunch. Get him out and trade him in quick!!


no i dont have them yet
thats just what i am getting
but im not going to add any shrimp let me take that out


From my experience, I really lower the water level by transfering a lot of tank water out in some buckets. Then corner the damsel and catch them with a big net. You may have to use some stick or other objects to get them moving out of hiding from the lower rocks.
Then, transfer back the tank water :) May sound easy, but it is not :nervous:


Try it and let us know... :D If there is any LR in your tank they will disappear.
So to get them out you have to remove all of your LR and potentially jeopardize whatever goodies you have growing on there... plus you have to aquascape all over again... and even in an empty tank those little buggers will give you a run for your money.
This doesn't even take into account the stress of all of this is going to cause on your other fish. :eek:
It is a giant pain in the butt. Do not get damsels if you do not plan to keep them over the long haul.


Maybe you could get them used to eating from a net. If they get used to having to go into the net to get the food they will become unafraid of the thing and you could one day snatch them up by surprise. This worked when I had to take my trigger out but be aware, if you use a net to chase them and they get scared of it right off the bat, you might as well forget this trick.