Caulerpa with tangs and angels?



I've got a several tangs and angels in a fowler that I've been trying to add different caulerpa to. As soon as I add any caulpera the devour it within a day or so
. Should I just give up on keeping caulerpa with them or if I get enough will it be able to grow fast enough to allow them to eat some and still grow? I really like the look of it in my tank. I know there are some plants that the fish don't like the taste of. Any suggestions?


Active Member
If that group is already eating everything you put in I doubt you will be able to keep it in the display with them. You could grow and harvest from a refugium or sump though.


Hi Renee, Aly's caulerpa was really nice for about a day. I've got my lr and algea in a tank with a large hippo and a koran angel. But my dt has a yellow and pb tang and 4 angels so I guess no caulerpa for me. I figured with all the light I have they'd graze on some but it would grow enough to establish itself.
You guys know or any plants they won't eat?


Active Member
Just use it as an additional source of veggies for your tangs. Setup a fuge, and grab a handful every day and feed it. Calerpa stands no chance with your tangs in your DT.


I feed two strips of dried algea daily so I'm not sure adding more would help. I had tried some red caulerpa in the past and they slowly ate it. But figured I'd be ok putting it in my holding tank and letting it get a hold of my lr. But I've got a 6" hippo in there that fiested upon it like it was his last supper. It's really all Cran's fault as the pic of her tanks make me caulerpa CRAZY!!!
Maybe I'll set up a reef in the holding tank and grow all the algea I want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Just use it as an additional source of veggies for your tangs. Setup a fuge, and grab a handful every day and feed it. Calerpa stands no chance with your tangs in your DT.
I hope with several tangs and angels he's got strong filtration already, which would include some type of fuge.....
If you want algae with tangs, look for calcareous type, halimeda, mermaid's fan, etc.


I'm going to try some fern grass,it's supposed to taste bad to the fish so hopfully they'll leave it alone. I do have super filtration and a fuge. I just enjoy the look of the caulerpa aside from it's benifits. I'm hoping to add a few corals to the mix in the future so maybe they'll take the place of the caulerpa for aesthetic purposes.


I had a tank full of caulerpa prolifera and my French Angel and Rock Beauty Angel devoured all of it within a month.