Clown Hosted in 7 seconds.


It was amazing. BY THE BOOK type stuff. Its a 4 mo old tank and ive been ON TOP of allmy stuff. Got clams for trates, hang on back fuge and tons of rock for bio filtration, chemi pure for the chemical, floss.. etc.....
ANY WAYS to the awsome story. Had this hatian pink tip in there for 3 weeks, and my juvymaroon didnt go near it.
Today i bring home a gorgeous BTA, about 4 to 5 inches open and the maroon took a double take, and about 7 seconds to swim to it. HOSTED!
My hand was still in the tank getting the bta in a really good spot for anchoring and light when the maroon was already there.
It was amazing. I feel kinda lucky.
hand kinda tingles a little. :)
Also is it normal for the clown to act like hes getting stung at first? cuz as I was taking the pic and uploading it he looked like he was getting "pricked" but was trying to stick it out. are they working out "their differences"?



so now i tried to move it just a little and im getting attacked?
Ungrateful little booger.
kinda hurt too.


i thought they were imune to anemone stings?
also, is it true anemones have "chemical warfare". i heard that two different kinds of anemones will do that. I have a haitian pink tip and this bta.
I also have a galaxea, i heard they can be kinda nasty... any thoughts? or should this be a seperate thread?


Just precious!! Congrats! :cheer:
It truly is an amazing thing to see. Gorgeous bta and absolutely beautiful maroon!


Active Member
watch out for your maroon, mine has killed 2 anemones. he is so rough with them he kills them within days. its like he tries to move it by biting the base but he bites to hard and kills it. as for your question id make sure your other corals dont touch each other


Active Member
they rub up on the anemones to get their slime coat on them. that way the anemone doesnt think its food. he will get stung until he gets the coating on. the main clown killer that i know of is the carpet anemone. i have a maroon and my lta hosted in minutes. but he too stung at first


thats cuz the picture is of my bubble tip anemone. He never hosted to the haitian tip.
yeah hes a darker clown fish. figured emo fit him kinda well.


I just traded my ocellaris clown for a maroon today because the former wouldn't host the LTA. It took the maroon about 15 minutes to find the anemone and now his just "wallering" in it, as we say here in NC. Will he ever come out of it again?


probably not.
my maroon clown does the same thing.
becomes very territorial of other fish getting anywhere near it.
you may also want to be careful when sticking your hands in the tank,
maroon clown will bite you in the arm. kinda hurts if your not paying attention.
good luck.


Just got bit again today. hes small enough to not break skin but ive seen pictures of them giving people raw knuckles.


New Member
Very cool story - I'm jealous! :) Good info to hear from everyone else, too. Lots to learn! What an amazing thing to be part of this little part of an ocean! :)


Just to add; when the maroon first comes in contact with the bta theres an acclimation process where it can be stung, during that time the maroon definately is getting stung.


Active Member
yes once a clown has an anenome to protect, they will protect it with utmost ferocity. Maroons are the meanest clowns out there , so you are in for some times with that guy, especially when he gets bigger. i wear a dive watch, and my GSM will strike the shinyness of the watch all day long, sparing my hands. just recently she associated my hands with moving rocks and territories so now she will swim 3 feet away to attack my hand if it is in the tank long enough. she thinks she is the savior of the tank or something. BTW that is an awesome BTA - what did you pay for it? and what lighting is it under?


New Member
It took almost 2 months before my Perc hosted in a Hatian Pink-tip.....but after that i can't seem to seperate