Clown loosing color


My clownfish seems to be loosing color. It is beginging to fade and turn white in color. Why would this be happening. My levels are all on target but I plan to do my bi-weekly water change and cleaning. What could be wrong with him? Thew rest of my stock seems fine.


It's been in the tank for 2-3 weeks. Livestock includes 2 clownfish, sixline wrasse, firefish and clown goby.


at what time of day are you noticing the color change? some fish fade in color at night


you have two clowns, are they the same species? do you notice the other one picking on this one that's fading? i have 2 ocellaris clowns and the smaller one lost some color since i added him, but it's starting to return now. it was more than likely all the stress from being picked on all the time. he still gets picked on, but i don't think it's quite as bad as it was, and he is starting to get the color back in his face. he's a black ocellaris so just his face is orange, and the orange faded.
HTH :happyfish