Clown Trigger with poblem


Active Member
Could you maybe post another pic or two? I can't really see anything on the fish that looks abnormal or problematic.
Check out the disease pics in the sticky thread above and tell me if you think it looks like lymph.


Active Member
Are you talking about on the caudal fin? It appears to be fin rot. Fin Rot is best treated with improving water quality, and diet. What are you feeding it? And what are your water parameters? To the best of my knowledge, I don't believe fin rot is contagious to the other fish, so really there is no need to quarantine, IMO. Just improve the diet, and his living conditions, and he should be fine. If we could get a clearer pic, we might be able to diagnose a little better. I am simply taking a guess, given the picture provided.


not a good pic but kinda looks like lymphocystis (spelling???) it can be treated by keeping pristine water conditions and a well balanced diet try feeding with garlic and vitamin c or selcon


food is not the problem and water conditions are great ... I'll try to get some pics tonight but he moves so much they don't come out good .


Active Member
How long have you had this fish? What other fish are in the tank?
Water conditions and/or nutrition are two of the main reasons why most hobbiests have problems to begin with.
I know it's tedious, but we need to know what your water quality is and what you are feeding the fish in order to help you. We need to know your exact pH, kH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity, and temperature? Without knowing this, we cannot rule out this being the problem. Great water conditions to you may not be great conditions to me, and vice versa.


just got done with water test
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
ph 8.0
phos 0.4
this is a fish only with live rock 210 gal . I have 4 triggers and 1 naso tang with 7 smaller fish from clowns to chromis . I feed them formula 1 and 2 , krill, trigger formula , seaweed selects algae , clams , shrimp ....There is more but I'm not at the freezer . I've had the Clown Trigger for 6 months also . This is also the only fish that has this


no none of the fish pick on him and I saw it last week . Also the salt level in the tank is 1.026 This is a little to high right ?


Active Member
Yeah, I agree, we really cannot diagnose anything until we know exactly what the problem is.
A specific gravity of 1.026 is perfectly fine.


Active Member
If there are growths on his fins, we had the same exact problem with one of our past clown triggers and ended up losing him before we knew how to treat him and before we had this website!! He ended up getting a secondary infection and cloudy eye and before we could do anything he...passed
He was my favorite fish EVER. If I were you, I would post as much info as possible to save this precious GORGEOUS life!


his lower fin in the center not that great still ,but where its white in color theres a hole in the fin and above that its red and puffed out