Clownfish Hunger Strike?


Ok, so I got my first fish in my tank yesterday. It is a "false percula", or ocellaris. According to everything I've read, they sometimes won't eat for the first couple days, which is the case here I think. However, I still attempted to feed him yesterday (obviously to no avail) and I did again today. Today he went right for the food, took a bite, and spit it out. Then, continued this process until my peppermint shrimp discovered there was food in the tank, and flew after it like a bat out of you know where
My question, should I continue tomorrow with trying to feed him the same thing? Or does it sound like he really doesn't like what I'm feeding him and I should change up? If I should try to keep feeding him the same thing, how often should I attempt to feed him?
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Mine didn't eat for the first few days either. Don't be alarmed. Fish with forage off of the criters that live on your live rock. Copepods, amphipods, and whatever else they can find. It's what they do in the wild, so it comes natural I suppose. I feed flakes, and my clowns dont like going to the top of the tank. I take a small net, put some food in it, put the net in the tank upside down so the food stays in, and then put it by a power head so the food will blow out. The fish get what they want before it gets sucked into the overflow, and my CUC happily eat the rest. =) Good luck.


Thank you! This does make me feel better. I've been wetting a piece of flake and dropping it in the tank so it blows around under the water. So you don't think I should get a different kind of flake? Or maybe pellets? The people at the fish store I got him from told me he ate flake, pellets, and frozen food.


im not a big fan of feeding flake food. i do feed flakes once in a while when i am short on time. the fish seem alot happier when they get fed frozen food.


I was told by the LFS people that frozen food can be less nutritional than flake or pellet, and they also said it's easier for a beginner. So, I kinda went with that, however I do plan on expanding his diet once I get him to start eating, because I've read that is the healthiest thing one can do, and they're also happier that way :)


I have another question, and hopefully someone can ease my worries a bit. This new clownfish (the one mentioned earlier) seems to hang out in one corner of the tank, near the top of the water. It is directly in the flow of the water, so he is constantly swimming. Is this normal behavior? Because when I see other people's, they swim among the rocks and around the tank. Is this just another part of adapting to my tank? Or is this normal behavior? Or should this be taken as a more serious sign of something? I know I'm a worrier, but I like to know as much as possible whenever possible... I'm going to go to bed, but I will check this in the morning, so hopefully someone will help me?