
New Member
I've had my clownfish for about 3 months and it was doing fine, however I've noticed in the past 3 days it is not eating and is just hanging out in the top corner of my tank. Any ideas? Nothing else in the tank shows any signs of distress (crabs, snails and shrimp) and the water parameters are great.


Staff member
Who is hanging face down? The new fish? Did the problem begin with the addition of the new fish? Notice aggression going on?


Well-Known Member
Wat size tank? If ur running a protein skimmer u shouldn't have o2 problems hopefully.
Royal grammas aren't known for being aggressive are they? Strawberry psuedo and such are the fighters. I've never had a royal gramma so I'm not much help here.


Active Member
I think connoror might be right.what kind of flow is in the tank? I had an Achilles tang do that in a qt.i put him in the display and after a couple hours he was fine.


New Member
Who is hanging face down? The new fish? Did the problem begin with the addition of the new fish? Notice aggression going on?
No, the new fish is just's the clown fish who is acting weird...she stays in the corner and faces down towards the bottom of the tank. She took a couple of bites of food but only when it floated past her. There is no aggression going on, and every other creature in the tank is not having any issue


New Member
Wat size tank? If ur running a protein skimmer u shouldn't have o2 problems hopefully.
Royal grammas aren't known for being aggressive are they? Strawberry psuedo and such are the fighters. I've never had a royal gramma so I'm not much help here.
I had the same problem, turns out it was the oxygen in the water, do you have an air pump?
The gramma is not aggressive at all. There is no aggression in the tank at all. I do not have an air pump in the tank and Everything else in the tank is doing fine, I will try that though. Also it is a 30 gallon. Thank you!


New Member
Wat size tank? If ur running a protein skimmer u shouldn't have o2 problems hopefully.
Royal grammas aren't known for being aggressive are they? Strawberry psuedo and such are the fighters. I've never had a royal gramma so I'm not much help here.