clowns? & How many?


I have two percula clowns that I have had for a long time. Can I add any more or will there be a problem. Also I would like to know how many small (say 3 inch fish) can I have in a 38 gallon aquarium with live sand and rock. I have a protein skimmer, a small canister filter, a millennium 2000 filter, and an Aquaclear 200 filter. My readings are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate about 20. All I have in there now are the two clowns and a dottyback. Thank you for your help. :)


You can't add anymore clownfish in a tank that size. The two fish you have now are probably a mated pair and could kill the new one.
Maybe add a small pygmy angel? Maybe a coral beauty? With the dottyback in there, try and find a fish that has a different color and shape than him. Dottybacks can be very nasty and territorial little buggers, especially with fish that resemble shape and color.
Actually my Dottyback hates everything. Killed my coral banded shrimp, some hermits etc. Often goes after my fingers when I clean the tank. Smart, quick and mean, yeah, that's how I'd describe them...


Thank you for your advice. My dottyback did kill a firefish so you are probably right that I have to be very careful. I was afraid that I couldn't add any more clowns. They have been a pair for a long time. I will look into the angels. They do have a different enough color and shape and are big enough that they would probably do better with my dottyback. Does that mean I can only add one more fish? Thanks again.


<Does that mean I can only add one more fish?
You might be able to add 2, but I'd start with adding only one more. It's best to add fish slowly so as not to increase the bio-load of your tank quickly. This will also allow for a new fish to set up his/her territory without too much competition.
Also, angels like/need a fairly established tank, which I assumed you have, as you said you've had your percs for a long time. They like lots of live rock and are generally very active, will swim around constantly looking for food. They also graze on algae and all the pods you get with an established tank.
I saw a beautiful Cherub angel last week. (It gets to be about 3 or 4 inches) Bright blue with a yellow face, and very, very active. Also should be able to hold his own with your Basslet.(dottyback) Another good choice is a Coral Beauty. It's hardy and quite a pretty fish. The Flame angel is also nice and colorful, although I don't think it's as hardy as the other two.


Active Member
Do not try to add anymore clown fish to your tank. The mated pair will most likely pick on it until it dies.


Thank all of you for your help. I will definitely not add any clowns. If I added an angel now, what other fish could I add later since I would be allowed two more? My clowns are definitely a mated pair. They fight and make up like most couples.