coral beauty angel.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I have a 75gal fowlr tank. Its been running for about 3 months now. It has 2 ocellerious clowns,a royal gramma and a purple fire fish. W a few snails as well. My question is this. How long should I wait to add the angel? The only other fish going in is a mandarin but that's a while down the road. Possibly a Christmas wrasse.


Active Member
Dwarf Angels can be slow to accept prepared food....As long as your Live Rock is abundant with "stuff" for him to pick at while he adjusts to a captive diet, you should be fine. I would also say as long as your parameters have been staying steady, primarily PH. Coral Beauty are very hardy once established, mine is over 5 years now.


I usually suggest waiting 6 months unless you're using really established live rock (from another tank, or that really has a lot of algae, etc). Once they're established, they are a hardy fish, definitely have to agree with that. Try to find one that EATS in the store.


Well-Known Member
Ah ok very good. It is good rock.tons of life on it. But I should b moving in a few months so iam prob going to wait till after that. Less fish I have to move. Iam gona try and move the tank w the fish in it but I LL c if I can move it w sand and enough fish water in it lol


Well-Known Member
Ah ok very good. It is good rock.tons of life on it. But I should b moving in a few months so iam prob going to wait till after that. Less fish I have to move. Iam gona try and move the tank w the fish in it but I LL c if I can move it w sand and enough fish water in it lol