could i get a green moray



i was wondering if i could get baby green moray eel and if i do im going to get it small about a foot or smaller but how long would it be before it gets really aggressive and how fast do they grow and when full grown how big of a tank do they need and how will it beable to stay in a 180 gallon tank :happyfish


This is an eel better left in the ocean. They get big fast and most public aquariums won't take them off your hands when they get too big for a home tank. You can't keep them with other fish, they eat large amounts of food. Also, when you are ready to get it out, it will be one painful move. Just a bad overall idea.


Active Member
It's very common for them to reach 10' in length and sometimes weigh in at 100lb - 150lb.
Unless you have a home aquarium that is a few thousand gallons, you dont need a Green.


Active Member
you dont want a green moray .dont get me wrong these things are cool the idea of having a huge eel in your living room I know i have a 2 1/2 -3 ft tess and he will eventually end up in a 300 all by himself.and let me tell you the thought of moving him to another tank makes me very nervous as H E double hockeysticks, the tess has a bad reputaion as being agressive this i wont dispute now that i have one.but the green is one of the most feared with good reason.My tess was a rescue my lfs sold him to me for 40 bucks just to get him a home that wouldnt take him back.that was part of the deal ..but if i had known 100% the information on him as i do now i would not have baught him they also thought he was a chainlink eel not of the tess variety.if you want a large eel go with something half the lenght.thats my 2 cents worth at least


then can you give me some suggestions i want a spotted eel but i dont know if i can find one easily but i hate snow flakes and zebras im very limited on eels i can have i guess :happyfish


Active Member
what i suggest you do is browse the internet see whats available in the retail market if you have a lfs that you trust ask them to get it for you.get all information about the species before you get one so you know what to expect ahead of time.use the links i posted above for the dragon eels it has listing of hundreds of species of eels thta will help yo get an idea of you like as far as looks go and chances are once you buy an eel youll be searrching through it anyways to find out about it.


a 180 gallon and its going to have a clown trigger
emporer angel
miniatus grouper
porcupine puffer
dog faced puffer
vlamingi tang
harlequin tuskfish and a eel whitch im trying to figure out right now


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
a 150 gallon and its going to have a clown trigger
emporer angel
miniatus grouper
porcupine puffer
dog faced puffer
vlamingi tang
harlequin tuskfish and a eel whitch im trying to figure out right now

I cant agree to adding any Moray, in that mix.
Your first post, you said it was a 180gal.
Do you even have this tank yet?


180 gallon sorry no i dont have it yet im getting it for my birthday whitch is in may so im getting it soon


Active Member
Even getting it in May, it's going to be months before you can add the fish in your list.
I'd redo your list, as it's overstocked, in my opinion.
And, with the Trigger and Puffers, you're not going to be able to add a Moray.


While they are tempting when they are still small, green morays are not good home aquarium species (for most of us). They will eat all your fish, everything in your freezer
, and they get way too big in a short amount of time. Most folks that I've known that had one wanted to get rid of it in a year or so.
Now, with having said that, there are some folks with the resources, the aquarium space, and dedication to keep these guys. But most of us don't fall into that category. There are plenty other morays that will do fine in our home aquariums. Good luck.