Curing rocks into live rock


Active Member
i wanted to make some homemade rock like in the garf website, and possibily selling it. How long would it take for it to cure fully to be able to be used in a tank? Woiuld throwing in some actual live rocks help?


Active Member
Well when you make your own rock you have to go through a couple of series of soaking the rock to let it leech out all the chemicals. Of course you would need to soak the rock along with some live rock if you gonna make live rock. Cause then it will just be base rock with out the bacterials.



Originally posted by entice59
and possibily selling it. How long would it take for it to cure fully to be able to be used in a tank? Woiuld throwing in some actual live rocks help?

Don't bother on the selling part - even VERY neat shapes and structures are difficult to sell for more than 75 cents or $1 a pound - and the shipping is very expensive.
How long? However long it takes for the pH to neutralize - generally 6 weeks with daily freshwater changes.
Throwing in actual live rocks into a vat of curing agrocrete will just kill the life on the liverocks.
Question is - what do you consider cured? homemade rocks need 6 weeks to "cure" and leech out the Ph. They'll need an additional 6+ weeks in a saltwater tank with liverock to populate with beneficial bacteria.


Don't let me disuade you from making your own rocks - it's actually lots of fun and very rewarding - just not in terms of money.. :)