Damaged Lion Eye



On Saturday I picked up a lionfish from my LFS and after watching it eat for a couple of days, I have some questions. I notice that when it was stalking the ghost shrimp I had dropped in the tank, it would only see them when they were on the right side of the lion. I didn't think anything of it until a friend pointed out that the left eye was different from the right eye. The left eye looks very cloudy. When I look head on at the fish, I can see the clear eye membrane on the right eye, but not on the left eye. Does anyone have any idea if there is a disease that causes symptoms like this or if it was probably damaged when it was caught/transported? I will post a picture as soon as I can get a good one that clearly shows what I'm concerned about.
Thanks for the help,


Post a picture, it sounds bacterial, I would treat with kanamycin or Lifeguard, I have used both and both have worked great with lions.


Active Member
my lion was about 3 years old when i got him.. he was about the size of a cantolpoe when he was spread out, very big... but anyway when i had just got him he lost his eye, it just popped out..regardless i had him for two more years until i had to take my tank down and from i understand he is still alive, growing, thriving etc...


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
my lion was about 3 years old when i got him.. he was about the size of a cantolpoe when he was spread out, very big... but anyway when i had just got him he lost his eye, it just popped out..regardless i had him for two more years until i had to take my tank down and from i understand he is still alive, growing, thriving etc...
Where have you been? Sorry you're tank is not up anymore, what happened? Easily one of the best aggressive tanks I have ever seen on this site....Loved your Dragon Moray (right?).


I got home from work today and the lion was covered in ich. Could the cloudy eye have been a first sign? I currently am treating him with Lifeguard, however, it says that it should not be used on new tanks. The lion is the first fish I have put in this recently cycled tank. Does anyone know why Lifeguard should not be used with new tanks. Since this is a new tank, would I be best off emtying the tank and starting over or letting it sit for 6 weeks till the ich dies? I also have a 29 gal that I was setting up for a qt but I didn't put the lion in it because it was the first fish in my display. I figured I could just treat the display if there were any problems. The lions body is about 6 or 7 inches, would it be able to live in a 29 gal qt for the time it will take to do either of the above(empty or let the ich cycle) or would it be best to treat the lion in the display? Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
Where have you been?
hey KRJ,
good to hear from you..i recently moved back to p.a from cocoa beach( thats why i had to take both of my tanks down) for another job relocation so ive been pretty busy and hectic with work, but within 6 months im looking to buy my first home and thats where the big custom tank will come into play..and yes i did have that brazillian dragon.. one of my favorites for sure!!! how are your animals doing?
onto the lion.. im guessing they probably tell you not to use that medicine for ich on a newly cycled tank because it will probably kill all the new benificial bacteria neded to obtain your tank that was just cycled which can indeed cause a tank crash...depending on the size of the lion it could work in the smaller QT tank but keep an eye on things..


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
hey KRJ,
good to hear from you..i recently moved back to p.a from cocoa beach( thats why i had to take both of my tanks down) for another job relocation so ive been pretty busy and hectic with work, but within 6 months im looking to buy my first home and thats where the big custom tank will come into play..and yes i did have that brazillian dragon.. one of my favorites for sure!!! how are your animals doing?
onto the lion.. im guessing they probably tell you not to use that medicine for ich on a newly cycled tank because it will probably kill all the new benificial bacteria neded to obtain your tank that was just cycled which can indeed cause a tank crash...depending on the size of the lion it could work in the smaller QT tank but keep an eye on things..
Back to PA just in time for winter? hope you didnt sell the snowboard


Could the cloudy eye have been a first sign?
Yes, could be, your lion may also shed (whitish milky stringy skin floating around your tank). Try the 29g qt tank, try to avoid treating the main tank, I personally have not used lifeguard for Ich but have used it for a variety of different things and it worked great.