DBS in FO?


Can I keep a DBS in a FO tank. The tank had LR in it so the DBS in already established. I'm changing it to a FO tank. I planon having a UV on the FO tank. Will that harm the DBS?

mr . salty

Active Member
A "DSB"in a fo tank is a good idea.It will helpkeep the nitrates under control.And the UV willnot affect it at all...


I also believe a DSB is a great idea in a Fo. w/ one CAVEAT. There are a number of fish which will dessimate the sand bed and render it fairly useless.
One if the reason for a DSB is to have anerobic area to allow nitrate to NO2 reduction. Also you want infauna which will move the sand around allowing for some water circulation. Both of these trait can be readily disturbed by fish which dig and burrow thru the sand bed, and eat all the infauna.
In a case like this, you might want to consider placing the DSB in your sump.
The UV will have little effect on the DSB, Uv only works on what passes thru the unit.
What type of fish are you planning on?


I agree on the DSB. There are a number of fishes that I have wanted to purchase, and would be perfect in my tank as it is not a reef tank, aside from the fact that the recommended substrate depth is 4 or more inches. There are some really need small eels for example, not sure on the species, but they live in small holes and just leave their heads poking out.... looking rather like a field of candy canes. There are also a number of gobies and jawfish that like deeper sand beds. So if not only for filtration reasons, then for additional fish possibilities maybe as well.