Do fish talk to each other lol?


Other than mammal communication, such as dolphin clicking and whale singing, I don't know what's out there. But then again, you're talking to the wrong guy. Hopefully there's someone else out there that knows something.


Active Member
fish use a lot of "posturing", and many form shoals, schools, harems, etc. it's all form of communication, maybe not necessarily "talking". my clown goby was EXTREMELY shy, when I put in the yellowtail damsel, I was worried that the goby would completely disappear out of fear of the damse...but the damsel obviously gave off a "good vibe" because they swim around together, and the goby pretty much follows the damsel's lead in everything they do...that's "talking"


Active Member
I met a lady at the pet store that claimed her Betas talked. If one was acting up, (agitated, not eating, etc..) she would put "Freddy's" tank next to the other, and the naughty fish would calm down. I don't think I bought it directly, but as much as we can understand a fish's personality, mood and reactions, how much moreso another fish would understand that body language.