Do frogspawns need to be spot fed...?


Active Member
Ok, I have had mine for at least 3 months, if not more. I thought it was doing well (new branches growing), but I keep reading that they need or will take in meaty foods. Now, I have tried this (just to see, cause LFS isn't always right) and the food floats away/doesnt stick/or looks like its not I missing something here??? I would think it is healthy b/c of the growth, but I am confused at the same time. Any info is appreciated. :thinking:


I don't spot feed my frogspawns, but did see it grabbed the food sometimes. I feed my entire tank with homemade food daily, and it's true that what has mouth will eat.


Active Member
i have a few lps corals. 2 types of euphyllias(glabrescens and hammer), caulastrea(trumpet), and a plerogyra(bubble). i've noticed the bubble will accept some food as will the trumpets but the euphyllias will not. i think its more a matter of do you provide food sources in the water column. keep in mind that as you dump frozen food in the tank you also get micro parcticles floating around in there and thats enough in it self to feed the lps's. if you dose with microvert or zooplankton then thats enough. but in the end feeding it or getting it to eat can only make it grow faster. just depends more on your time and patience ;)