Do majanos detach and drift?


ive got a flat coraline covered rock with green neon/pink majanos on it, 2 of em. I dont mind if they multiply on this rock where i can control their boundary.
BUT, do they ever detach and float to a new spot, or will they stay put if the light is good and the current is good....
anyone ever enjoy having these things. they look really cool, and i kinda wanna keep em. but if they can float to new areas i will remove them asap.


It is possible for it to become detached from the rock and be carried by the current.
Personally I'd kill this type of anemone on site! They are known as a pest anemone.


Active Member
i had one about a month ago. it looks pretty cool so is started to feed it, now its 3. im still contemplating getting rid of them. there not really an eye sore so ill keep 'em around for a bit longer.


Active Member
This is a similar question to keeping Calurpa or Halimidea in a reef. To each thier own and anything with enough maint can be handled. But do you really want to have ot put that much attention to keep things in balance. If yes, then keep um. Like Aptasia, not really all that unpleasant looking. Just agressive and we are trained to see it as a hideous thing that should be destroyed instantly upon detection.
If you like them then keep them, but know they will need special attention to keep thier numbers in check.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
i had one about a month ago. it looks pretty cool so is started to feed it, now its 3. im still contemplating getting rid of them. there not really an eye sore so ill keep 'em around for a bit longer.
i though that way as well then all the sudden i had 50 of them