Does anyone on here actually LIKE Palin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

Our country is the tank....people can't read anymore. The more I see this the more I understand why we are the way we are today. 16,000 state employees, not can you

up reading your own story?
Oops. Sorry. That's even better. They must hire some real INCOMPETENT Email Administrators in Alaska. I've been in the computer industry over 30 years. I have several Exchange Administrators who work for me. NONE of them make $74/hr. This little project they want done would take maybe 2 days to perform. Trust me, I know. I've done something similar. Send their tape backups to me. I'll only do it for $7 million.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Ok, here you go, no matter which theory to the beginning of the universe you subscribe to something had to cause the begining event. Atoms colliding, gases exploding, star going nova, something caused that, this is basic science 101. Cause and effect. For every cause there is an effect and can be tracked. The ultimate cause is god, unless you can can show me another cause that made atoms collide and such. Something put the atoms in motion...what was that. Until Science can prove this portion of the begining, you can not disprove GOD.
To further touch on God. If there is no God, they why be a good person? What benefit is there? Truly? I can get what I want and live a "good" life for a while by stealing, killing, and raping. If the end is just death, well we all die, so why not go out having all the fun I could possibly have instead of Working a lot of hours to obtain just a few things for myself.
why worry about the poor and those less fortunate? Because some other human may view me as a uncaring individual? Big deal. If their is no god then

the poor, weak, meek, and less fortunate, after all science and nature ultimately runs off natural selection and without a belief in something like a god we are no more than animals. Sure we can think, and create things. But so can Monkeys to a degree. Hell they can be taught to fly airplanes for goodness sake. So why try to be a good person. What benefit is there in it...I get to live till 90 and possibly have a full and rich life full of everything I want with hardship along the way.

that. If there is no god, then there is no reason to be concerned about anyone but myself. Because after all, if this is all there is, then I want all I can get and damn everyone else...
Get my point?
Sorry, that theory has been used too many times to prove a PHYSICAL god exists. You're talking about FAITH. A mental belief there's some All Seeing, All Knowing being that lives in this euphoric place and looks down on us controlling our lives and our fate. I can't disprove this Almighty Power of yours created atoms, and you can't prove He did. It's called The Universe. No one really knows where it came from, or how it was created. So if this god of your is real, where has he been for the last 300 billion years? Why doesn't he pop up every now and then to let us know he exists?
But that has nothing to do with how you treat your fellow man. Just because you don't believe in god, you're unable to respect, love, and care for another human being? You're unable to be this 'good person' you speak of just because you don't believe god exists? What kind of logic is that?
Sorry, but there are millions of compassionate and caring atheists and agnosticts. I'm one of them. It's pretty pathetic if you think you're above me just because I don't believe in this god of yours. I do work hard for what I have. I do have a multitude of family and friends that I love and care for, and do whatever it takes to help them in a time of crisis. I just don't have to justify my life by saying 'God is great, God is good. God tells me everything is OK'. If that's what gets you through each day, to believe that when you die you'll end up in this Eternity flying around with wings on your back, good for you. For me, there's only one true Cycle Of Life...
You're Born, **not needed** , You Die, Then The Worms Eat You....


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between dumb and untrained. I have no direct experience with Ms. Palin vis-a-vis her intelligence. However, I have had many students during my teaching career who were unprepared for class, and I can recognize (as can most experienced teacher) - they get a certain unfocused look in their eyes and the voice becomes a little hesitant. That is exactly how Palin looks when she is asked questions that, IMHO, should be easy for a knowledgeable candidate to answer. She seems unprepared.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
No, I think that statement is about as dumb as it gets

This is just uncalled for.....
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Hmm. God created the Earth and everything that's in it. Creationism.
How can you believe in God, but not creationism?
Creationism states that there was nothing before god created the earth.....meaning that the earth is only a few thousand years old......uh DUMB......The creationism theory does not state that 400 billion years ago god created man. If it did then shoot I think it taking us 400+ billion years to

the earth up this bad isn't really that bad.....but it doesn't. I am not saying that believing in god is dumb or wrong or that there isn't a god, never said that. BUT I am saying if you believe the world is a couple of thousand years old your dumb as a brick.
Originally Posted by GeriDoc

There is a difference between dumb and untrained. I have no direct experience with Ms. Palin vis-a-vis her intelligence. However, I have had many students during my teaching career who were unprepared for class, and I can recognize (as can most experienced teacher) - they get a certain unfocused look in their eyes and the voice becomes a little hesitant. That is exactly how Palin looks when she is asked questions that, IMHO, should be easy for a knowledgeable candidate to answer. She seems unprepared.
I would TOTALLY agree with this......


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
The point is.....Creationism is the belief the God created this Planet. Therefore, no creationism=no God.
OK. But for me who or what created the Earth is pointless. It is physically impossible to prove either theory, even with today's technology. If you believe in God, you believe in Faith. If that's what gets you through the day, good for you. But don't tell me you're a better person than I because I don't believe in your faith.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
This is just uncalled for.....
No I would say your statement that believing in creationism is dumb was uncalled for. Pointing out how stupid it is to say believing in God if fine but not creationism is a fact. Last I checked all christian denominations teach God created the heavens and the earth as well as all the creatures on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
There is a difference between dumb and untrained. I have no direct experience with Ms. Palin vis-a-vis her intelligence. However, I have had many students during my teaching career who were unprepared for class, and I can recognize (as can most experienced teacher) - they get a certain unfocused look in their eyes and the voice becomes a little hesitant. That is exactly how Palin looks when she is asked questions that, IMHO, should be easy for a knowledgeable candidate to answer. She seems unprepared.
Your assessment is legitimate but I don't know that I agree with your conclusion because standing up in front of the media (which I have done on a much smaller scale) can really throw you off. Some people (Obama, Bill Clinton) excel at it and other don't. One thing I've heard about Bush for a long time is those who have been in the room with him where he just talks with the folks are blown away at how engaging he is compared to what you see on the tube.
In Palins case I dunno. She's obviously been a very good governor so far but then again so was Jimmy Carter.


Active Member
Does'nt she have like an 84% aproval rating from the people as the govenor?
Any political figure head with those kind of stats has my vote. And the people live such a simpler lifestyle a little slower and down to earth. I think she is a breath of fresh air. Why not give this a chance? Our country is so messed up I think a REAL change would be good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Your assessment is legitimate but I don't know that I agree with your conclusion because standing up in front of the media (which I have done on a much smaller scale) can really throw you off. Some people (Obama, Bill Clinton) excel at it and other don't. One thing I've heard about Bush for a long time is those who have been in the room with him where he just talks with the folks are blown away at how engaging he is compared to what you see on the tube.
In Palins case I dunno. She's obviously been a very good governor so far but then again so was Jimmy Carter.
I don't know if I'd chalk it up to that, vs her (a conservative) having to measure her reaction vs falling in line with McCain's "liberal" leanings.
Sadly she doesn't get to set the positions of the campaign mccain does. When I see her struggle it typically is when she is having to regurgitate McCain's lousy positions.
Originally Posted by mie

Does'nt she have like an 84% aproval rating from the people as the govenor?
Any political figure head with those kind of stats has my vote. And the people live such a simpler lifestyle a little slower and down to earth. I think she is a breath of fresh air. Why not give this a chance? Our country is so messed up I think a REAL change would be good.
Lets be real, the Veep doesn't do all that much. She may be different, and hold much of my same ideology, however she simply isn't in a position of power to get that passed. Unless she decides to preside over the senate every day. She can help bring stuff up for a vote but she still doesn't get to vote...


Active Member
I do like Palin and as a McCain supporter I have tried to be supportive of the decision, however I do now think it was a poor choice. I understand why he took her, but I really wish he had picked Romney or Huckabee.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
Does'nt she have like an 84% aproval rating from the people as the govenor?
Any political figure head with those kind of stats has my vote. And the people live such a simpler lifestyle a little slower and down to earth. I think she is a breath of fresh air. Why not give this a chance? Our country is so messed up I think a REAL change would be good.
Dude the entire pop of alaska is 630,000 thats not that many people.......
Originally Posted by reefraff

No I would say your statement that believing in creationism is dumb was uncalled for. Pointing out how stupid it is to say believing in God if fine but not creationism is a fact. Last I checked all christian denominations teach God created the heavens and the earth as well as all the creatures on it.

So your telling me that you believe the planet earth is 6000 years old like the bible says.....................
now thats stupid.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Dude the entire pop of alaska is 630,000 thats not that many people.......
So your telling me that you believe the planet earth is 6000 years old like the bible says.....................
now thats stupid.........
So percentage is now based on population?
Please show me where in the Bible it says the planet is 6,000 years old.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So percentage is now based on population?
Please show me where in the Bible it says the planet is 6,000 years old.
The whole basis of the bible is based on the last 6000 years old. You talk to anyone who is creationist crazy (not religious but actual creationism as a seperate sect of religion.....) they will tell you when you mention the bacterias and such that are billions of years old that the earth isn't that old so how could they be......


Active Member

Originally Posted by peef
The whole basis of the bible is based on the last 6000 years old. You talk to anyone who is creationist crazy (not religious but actual creationism as a seperate sect of religion.....) they will tell you when you mention the bacterias and such that are billions of years old that the earth isn't that old so how could they be......
Huh? Do me a favor and re-write that. I have no idea what it says.
And, again, please show me where the Bible says the world is 6,000 years old. you said "so your telling me that you believe the planet earth is 6000 years old like the bible thats stupid.
So back it up... show me where in the Bible it says that.


Active Member
Watch this video and tell me how creationism in the literal translation
(cre�a�tion�ism �� (kr-sh-nzm) KEY �
NOUN: Belief in the literal interpretation of the account of the creation of the universe and of all living things related in the Bible. )
has ANY ground what-so-ever.......I think you know it doesn't what so ever anyhow anyway....


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Huh? Do me a favor and re-write that. I have no idea what it says.
And, again, please show me where the Bible says the world is 6,000 years old. you said "so your telling me that you believe the planet earth is 6000 years old like the bible thats stupid.
So back it up... show me where in the Bible it says that.
If you go with a literal translation of creationism you will find that apparently the earth is around 6000 years old....give or take! Now I have never and never will read the bible so I couldn't tell you when or where it gives a timeline but trust me and look it up on the net. I had a creationism vs evolution class in college and the "literal" creationism theory is that the earth is appx 6000 yrs old.
Sorry got to head to dinner with my wife but I will be back later........


Active Member
I'm not going to derail this thread by arguing Creationism with you, nor am I going to waste my time watching a two bit youtube video.
You said the Bible says the world is 6,000 years old. I believe you even used the word "stupid". Where does it say that? The Bible is broken down into tiny little sections. It should be very easy for you to tell me where exactly it says the world is 6,000 years old.