Does anyone use a coil denitrator?


I'm thinking of using one on my 300 gallon. I don't really have a Nitrate problem but they do hover at 20-30 and I like to keep it close to zero.


Active Member
I've done some research and am working on a denitrator project, but it's not a coil.
Coils are easier to build if you are DIYing, but take a long time to cycle and have to be started all over if you ever were to open them up. They also cost $0 in supplies to run.
Sulfur is the other big one. This is what I am building. They are more forgiving to work on, cycle faster, etc, but can be a bit fiddly to set up and require consumables to run. They do however calcify the water which is a good thing.
I don't think many people run coil units anymore.


Active Member
I need to start a thread on this... I've basically finished the denitrator itself, I'm ready to install it.
My test subject will be a fairly young 120g reef in my office at work. The problem is that we are doing a major renovation at our office that I am more-or-less in charge of, so I'm insanely busy... which is why I disappear from here for days at a time recently. The last time I did a build thread, the 180g from a couple years ago, I found that I couldn't satisfy people's appetite for pics and updates... I felt really bad that I couldn't update the thread like I wanted to, so I am holding off until I have time to devote to it. I'm not going to install it until I start the thread though so I can post nitrate level progress in real-time.
Anyhoo, I don't want to hijack or distract from the OP's thread, so just stay tuned!