does garlics actually work and how?


i have very picky fish i was planning to try the garlic trick but was wondering how does it actually work and does it even work?


Active Member
I never had luck with it.i always made my own food.i go to an asian supermarket and buy 6 or 8 kinds of raw seafood. Clams octopus mussles shrimp scallops whatever they have.then use the mixer and add seaweed and vitamins .chop it to small pieces not a liquid . usually i spent arond 25 dollars and it would last 6 months. I put it in small ziplock bags and smush it flat to about a quarter inch.the variety for all the different fish seemed to work.


Staff member
Garlic is not an appetite stimulant. It can be a holistic approach to treating fish illness, when used with other viable treatments.


Well-Known Member
If by picky u mean healthy but difficult to feed. Just try a variety and see what they want. I feed, brine, spirulina brine, mysis, cyclopese, plankton, mega marine, pellets, flake, and seaweed. Not all the same time lol but u get the idea.also as jeff said making your own is a great option too


Well-Known Member

I always thought it was for boosting the immune system, it won't do a thing to get a fish to eat, and it makes the tank stink.

Try a little brine shrimp, not as a steady diet. That stuff is like fish candy, and once a fish starts eating (that's the plan anyway), you can give it the better quality food. I do this when I have a new fish that's just a bit shy/stressed and not wanting to eat...


Staff member
Garlic is a proven immune boost for humans but I don't think there's any confirmation about it effecting fish in the same way. Is there? It can marginally help to ward off parasites if fresh garlic is used, as well as assist with infections since it has allicin (only viable for a few minutes with freshly minced garlic---which is why bottled garlic is useless).


Well-Known Member
Garlic is a proven immune boost for humans but I don't think there's any confirmation about it effecting fish in the same way. Is there? It can marginally help to ward off parasites if fresh garlic is used, as well as assist with infections since it has allicin (only viable for a few minutes with freshly minced garlic---which is why bottled garlic is useless).
Ah, I was told to use garlic when I first started hanging out on this site, my fish had ich. I assumed it was for helping the immune system like it does for humans. I was also told to only use the fresh garlic, that the bottled stuff was worthless. Thanks for explaining that.


the food i feed them are foods 2 of my fishes ( the hardest in my tanks to feed the rest will almost always take anything and these same 2 need special diets due to their teeth ). it's hard to find a variety of food here not sure why but the only readily available foods here for fish are flakes, pellets, and brine shrimp frozen or live. everything else is all seafood and typically they are super expensive as they are for human consumption.

any tips for feeding all of my fish if i want to make my own food? i have a puffer and a trigger both are extremely picky and atm the puffer will not take squid but will take ramshorn snails which we have a good supply of in our pond, brine shrimp, and shrimp. the trigger will take shrimp and brine and occasionally squid. tried to give freeze dried krill none of them will accept it. the other fish will accept the brine, shrimp, squid, some pellets but the pellets sick really fast and then they lose interest after that only my clown will nibble at it. tried this omnivore food by i believe omega one comes in blocks like brine shrimp blocks but their green. it contains brine shrimp in it but i think it's mostly veggies as they do not care for it one bit.

also if i plan to make my own food is it okay to just simply not use gelatin? i have used gelatin as a binder before but if i freeze and put in thin layers will it fall apart quickly? im not planning to grind to a liquid form just into bite size chunks so that all my fish can eat. i am mainly concerned about my puffer and triggers teeth issue as they need the hard bits of food to grind their teeth.