Don't know what this is


I have a Pseudoanthias pleurotaenia in my QT right now currently undergoing Hypo for the past week and 1/2 because I found 2 white spots on his head above the eyes. They are only on one side and there are only 2 of them. The hypo isn't working and with further inspection today I have come to the conclusion that this in fact is not the ich parasite.
These 2 spots look like a pin that is sticking out of his head 1/32"-3/64" with a head on them similiar to a small pin they are white in color and are about 1/16" apart from each other.
I would think this is Lymphocystis but it just doesn't sound like it would be from my thoughts. Anybody have a clue what this could be, how to treat it, and if its contagious or not?
Unfortunately I do not have a camera that can get a good enough picture of it but I have a small example of what it looks like.
Thank you in advance.



Originally Posted by juice_1080
they sway with the current in the same spot on his body
They are not worms then. They have been there for almost two weeks in the exact same spot? Without an actual picture it is hard to tell. Parasites move. Lymphocystes gets either worse or better. Can you describe it more?


It looks like a small whitish-clear pin sticking into the fish I didn't notice them originally but when I saw them they just looked like ich spots so I started hypo and have maintained it since (1.009 w/ refractometer). Since then I have been watching for the spots to disappear so I can start the count but they just turned into what I described by protruding out farther and almost getting like a pin-head at the end. They are fixed in one spot and move with the current. Both "things" are the same size and shape, they look identical to each other and are only on one side of the fish.
The fish does nothing all day but sit in the PVC shelter I put in for him and I have yet to see him eat anything since I bought him 2-3 weeks ago. I feed a mixture of Brine, Mysis, and Rotifers with Kent Garlic Extreme and Zoe in it. I have also not seen food laying on the bottom glass or in the the filter or anything though and the fish's belly is not sucked in.
This fish was bought from a reputable LFS that ordered it for me and I bought it straight off the truck, brought him home, floated him, and dripp acclimated him.
Should I bring the tank out of hypo and get something for parasites or something else beneficial?
I wish I had a better camera. I do have one picture that I can post but I don't think it will do you much good.


From what I have heard, I honestly do not know what you have going on there. That is a new one to me. Here is what I would do. Pick up some API Stress coat. It contains Aloe Vera. It is thick. Net the fish, bring him to the surface and pluck one of them. This may sound crazy, but a parasitic worm or anything else would move. A growth doesn't look like that. Drop some stress coat on the spot after you pull it off. This will work as a liquid band-aid. It should stop any bleeding. I don't think there will be any though. This is my advice. Let us know what you decide and what happens.


I will try that after class tomorrow, it is my short day of the week anyways and I intended to do some cleaning on my tanks anyways. Walmart has API Stress Coat don't they? I really don't feel like making the 40 minute trip just to pick that up if I don't have to.
This is why I posted on here about it, I have never seen or heard of anything like it and I wanted to know if maybe someone else had. I always end up with the unusual stuff happening to my fish. I am almost thinking about the toothbrush method I used on a clownfish I had with wierd clearish spikes, worked for that fish, maybe it will work for this one. Otherwise I don't know of anything I could get ahold of these things with.


Do you have tweezers? Yes, Walmart carries Stress Coat... the one here does anyway. Tweezers are like a buck fifty. Grab a pair. Pull it gently. See if you can jiggle it loose. Don't yank hard if it seems like it won't come out. I don't want you to injure the fish.


So I pulled the things off him and on Thursday, and he managed to flop on the floor when I did it, he spent the whole rest of the day at the top of the water sideways barely breathing like he was gonna die. Now he is back to his tube and doing fine but has still not ate yet....its been 3 weeks now and its really starting to worry me.


You say you dont see the fish eat but you dont see any food collecting in the tank. Unless your filter is some how collecting it all i would assume it eats at some point. maybe when there is no one in the room or at night, times when the fish feels safer.


Originally Posted by juice_1080
Well for anybody still following this I came back from class today to find a dead fish
Oh man, I am so sorry!!!! What all happened??? Did you pluck those off? How did it feel when you were pulling? Was there resistance? Did you get them off? I am so sorry that I wasn't on. I work two jobs and am on as much as I can be. I am sorry that you lost this guy


I don't know what they were but I just kind of rubbed them off and that was it, it didn't seem to effect him too much, I think he died because of a hunger strike but I don't know, I never once saw him eat though.