Dragon Wrasse?


Active Member
My LFS got in some "Dragon wrasses". I've never heard of them nor seen them before, but I like the way they look, and my mom likes them a lot (good "political move" in my favor). Any information on them? Just looking into the possibility.


I'm afraid you would need a larger tank, like 75 + gallons. Then there is the issue of them eating smaller fish, snails, crabs, shrimp and other crustations you might have. Up to you but a 30 gallon is to small IMO.


Active Member
Yep, sorry. Posted before I searched. Not only are the normally not reef-safe, but get well too big. Well, I guess i'll tell my mom we can get one... she'd just have to fund for a 125g first
Sorry for the useless post, thanks anyways!


Active Member
I have had a dragon wrasse before, in a 125g agressive tank. It was one of my favorite fish, and had lotsa character. I really enjoyed watching the wrasse bury itself to sleep at night. It grew to about 8 inches in total length. They eat voraciously off of live rock, so I would be careful as to what you have in your tank before you get a dragon wrasse.
The one question I have about a dragon wrasse is I have seen green and brown dragon wrasse. What's the difference? ---? species? location? Mine was green, not that it makes any difference.


Active Member
well.. all i kniow is that they are perdy crazy fish.. kinda like the lunnare wrass aka 'lunatic wrass'.... but.. in this dragon wrasses case.. they are aka 'rock movers'.....


Mine was green as a baby, but now he is green-brown, more brown I would say. I think mine is a boy, but that is just the way he acts.:D


I had a dragon wrasse and def. was a cool fish, but is one of the most aggressive wrasses. They will pick on smaller fish, esp. damsels. They are also sensitive to poor water conditions, so make sure you clean your tank well, esp. the sand bed since they like to bury themselves. A good fish to add to triggers and other aggressive fish.