Ever think of getting a Horseshoe crab?



WOW !! hahahahaha. Well it's from ebaums. I would think its photoshopped.


Active Member
photoshoped or not, they still get miiiighty big....
that would be crazy if it wasnt
i could fulfill my fantasy of riding a horseshoe crab


Active Member
Only some types get big, most of the ones for the home tanks dont get any bigger than a couple inches. But that Picture is too cool!! That would scare the crap out of me if i were Snorkeling around and looked down and saw that monster!!!!! Thanx for the pic, Todd


Active Member
I have never heard of a horseshoe crab that only get a couple inches... which kind would this be?? From what I know the females grow up to 2' long and the males are slightly smaller. They are NOT suited for most aquariums!!


Active Member
but when this site sells things, it says how big they sell you the animal or plant or whatever you buy, not how big it will get..... so the 1-2 inches is how big you will recieve it I think they should say how big it will get though, that way, people wont buy something small, thinking it will stay small.


Active Member
Many sites sell them. Most tanks will NOT support after they grow up. They do get MUCH larger than a couple inches.


They serve no purpose in the home aquarium. They hide all day and it's no fun watching them. I also have a brittle star but I only see it 1x/month because it hides all day.


I've seen them in my LFS. It's weird looking and it doesn't know how to swim ..