finally took pix of my first saltwater tank


this is my first tank decided to go big heres some pics let me know.

i know the canopy needs painted we built it in 2 days painting is next

my shark egg

this was in my sisters tank it was dieing so we decided to place it in mine eventhough her's was set up longer and it's doing better now. the coral not the fish

the newest addition my maroon clowns and 2 rose anenomies

can barely see him but snowflake eel on the right


Well-Known Member
Good start! Keep up the good work! This hobby is very very addiciting. I hope you want to learn a lot more in the saltwater reef keeping hobby!


Originally Posted by Andrew1113
you know eventually you will need a bigger tank for that shark right
wasn't sure about that I'm the type of person that always wants something better thats why I got my camaro and I keep adding things to it. But it is a bandit shark and 180 should be big enough. Even if he needs bigger it will be years before then.