Flame Angel not doing well. Please Help


Active Member
I have a flame angel that appears to be on the verge of dying. I think it's probably too late to do anything, but thought I'd ask on here anyway. His body is limp and almost seems paralyzed. He can swim a little, but is mostly being blown around by the current (he can float a little bit). Last night he appeared fine to me and he ate well. So this is quite a surprise. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on what I can do. I'm also curious what the problem could even be. Swim bladder problem is all I can think of.


Active Member
For informational purposes, I've had the fish for maybe 3 weeks. It's in an 80 gallon tank with no predators that I am aware of. There is a purple psuedochromis who has attacked fish in the past, but they've gotten along fine so far and I see no evidence of attack on the angel. It's previous owner says it's at least 8 years old based on how long he had it. I'd like to think it might have been old enough to just be dying of old age, but I kind of doubt it.
Chemicals are fine, temp is a little low today (76), plug for thermometer isn't working well and it keeps slipping out.


Staff member
You're right, when a fish has deteriorated to the point that you describe, there's not much hope.
Did he suddenly develop problem when entering your tank? A fish that was used to a previous tank may just be in shock. Its a shame that an 8 yr old fish may pass.


Active Member
He seemed fine for about 3 weeks up until last night. His color was occasionally not always vibrant though.


Staff member
It may be some internal infection resulting from the transfer. Not much you can do unless you have a QT to put him in.