? for Ophuria


Thanks for responding to my last post. You said you disagreed with my classification of the fish. I am very new at this. The description on this site for the lemonpeel is peaceful, and the scott michael book said it is only aggressive tward other angels, or once it becomes established. Since you disagree with the fact that it is peaceful, is there any possible way I could have forseen a problem? Or does that only come with experience?


Active Member
I think mostly it comes with experience
I don't think you could have anticipated it. You put the angel in last, which was a good move, and sometimes, it works just fine. But the lemonpeel - I dunno - when I worked in the LFS it was always one of those fish I was told had an "attitude" and basically one of its more common characteristics. You'll find a lot of different information on various sites. This is why I really like message boards, because you can talk to people who may have tried keeping them to know more. Sure, they may say "its fine" and you may still have a problem. Each tank and each fish is different. It is part of the fun of the hobby

Sounds like you are doing the right thing which is to research. Just sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.....