

can u use nail glue when fragiong and could some one plz tell me how i think i know but i want to be sure help me plz!!!


Active Member
I have seen lots of people use rubber bands for about 2 weeks then pull the rubber band off after the frag has taken hold of the rock.

my way

Active Member
If the nail glue is a CA glue as most are, yes. Dry the frag and rock with a paper towel, glue and return to the tank.


Active Member
I take the polyp and dab the base dry. Then I dab the piece of live rock I am attaching it to dry as well. Next I put a little glue on the rock and push the polyp onto it. Let it sit for 30 seconds and you are good to go.


Active Member
I do it by gently cutting them with a sharp exacto knife at the base. I don't know if that is proper or not though.

When fraggin zoas be sure to use caution as they are toxic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fbm
Can they be out of the water this long?

I have had them out of water for a few minutes without any problems.


Active Member
I personally do it underwater when the lights are out and the polyps are closed. It seems to be easier that way and less stressful on the colony.