Fresh Water Dipping Corals?


I have a problem with little flat worms hanging out on some of my mushrooms. I was told to dip the mushrooms in fresh water and it would help get rid of them. So my question is how do I do this? I don't want to hurt my coral so can anyone tell me how long I should dip it for, and anything else I need to do? I assume the water temp. needs to be the same but other than that I have no idea. Thanks.


Active Member
I would not recommend a freshwater dip AT ALL. Rather, SeaChem's Reef Dip (iodine mixture) will kill all the flatworms if you give it a 10 minute dip.


Active Member
Originally Posted by turbohaulic
I have a problem with little flat worms hanging out on some of my mushrooms. I was told to dip the mushrooms in fresh water and it would help get rid of them. So my question is how do I do this? I don't want to hurt my coral so can anyone tell me how long I should dip it for, and anything else I need to do? I assume the water temp. needs to be the same but other than that I have no idea. Thanks.
Take out a gallon of your tank water, use a capful of SeaChem Reef Dip, stir the dip so it mixes, and allow the coral to sit in your tank water (with Reef Dip ) for 7 to 10 minutes.


I just got a Star Polyp rock this weekend. Then I was looking at it at night with a flashlight and there was this big worm (bristle) in it!
I took it out and dipped it in RO/DI water for about 10 seconds and the worm just crawled out, along with a bunch of other little bugs. Today the coral was fine, opened up no problem.