

Active Member
Of course there is a girl I like at school lol.
I'm 15.
Do you think this is an appropriate age to start dating?
I don't know if she's allowed to date, but I'm sure if it's not one on one, her mom'll be fine with it. Like if we go bowling or to the movies with a few other people.
I don't know if she likes me or not, but I think I pretty well have a chance.
I'm posting here for advice. Got any?
I get a car in a few months and can't wait to drive myself. I just thought that I may be able to learn from your own personal experiences.


Active Member
Find anything cool and interesting that you can do and show her. Compliment anything different about her...even if you feel it isn't for the better. TALK ABOUT HER! Engage in casual conversation. I advise that instead of asking her out, round up some friends and go bowling or see a movie. Then spend a lot of time with her and ask her out. Prepare yourself for the "no." Most guys dread this and let it prevent them from even trying. At 15, it really won't matter if she says yes or just seems like it will. Good Luck man!

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by camfish
Find anything cool and interesting that you can do and show her. Compliment anything different about her...even if you feel it isn't for the better. TALK ABOUT HER! Engage in casual conversation. I advise that instead of asking her out, round up some friends and go bowling or see a movie. Then spend a lot of time with her and ask her out. Prepare yourself for the "no." Most guys dread this and let it prevent them from even trying. At 15, it really won't matter if she says yes or just seems like it will. Good Luck man!
no need to prepare himself for the "no", he just needs to be confident and be himself, if he acts a fool and tries too hard then he will get a no. he is only 15and there are many other chicas out there and he has plenty of time.


Active Member
...or he could just wait for her to come out of a movie theatre and then ride a shopping cart into some bushes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
...or he could just wait for her to come out of a movie theatre and then ride a shopping cart into some bushes.

I recall that I have taken full advantage of bushes befo......nevermind that one.


I'd say shame on you, Crimzy and T316, for putting ideas in his head about backseats and movie theaters.... but I'm sure those ideas were already there.

Pez- the group date is a great way to start. You can always say "a bunch of us are going...." so it's not as serious as a real first date. That way, you don't have to worry about those awkward silences and if it doesn't work out, you still had a fun night with friends. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
OMG... nice, crimzy

Originally Posted by T316
...I don't know, I took full advantage of a movie theater before I had a car

Originally Posted by CUfishfan

I'd say shame on you, Crimzy and T316, for putting ideas in his head about backseats and movie theaters.... but I'm sure those ideas were already there.

What are you all talking about???
If you have a backseat then there's room for an adult shaperone...


Active Member
Some good advice...especially from Crimzy. Lol, jk
So would we meet up at the theater? Because I'm feeling that I would have to kill myself if my mom or brother picked everyone up haha.


Movies suck for first dates. You don't get to talk to each other, or interact. Go with the bowling or some thing along those lines


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
What are you all talking about???
If you have a backseat then there's room for an adult shaperone...

And I just meant that a theater had plenty of room for everyone in the "group", you can all sit together. As far as the bushes go, that's where you can hide an older brother or friend so you can sneak over and get tips on how you are doing or what to say next. Sheeessss, you people

*edit*....this is where I remind Crimzy, and everyone else, that I am glad that I have 3 sons and not daughters


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
*edit*....this is where I remind Crimzy, and everyone else, that I am glad that I have 3 sons and not daughters
It will be interesting when my daughters are ready to date. But as bad as I was as a young guy, I think I'll know what to look for...


Active Member
I'm glad to see that this thread has not taken an ugly turn where you guys bash the OP, I was really afraid of that. Some harmless joking is fine and appreciated though

Mako makes a good point. I was thinking that bowling and a movie with friends would be the best option. Getting from the alley to the theater is the problem I see. I'm sure my mom could fit all of us though.