Glass Cleaning

vt rules

So how often does everyone need to use their MagFloat on the inside of their tank? I kind of thought my clean up crew would take care of the inside of the glass (for the most part) but I find that I need to clean it every two days. Does this seem right? The front of the glass always has snail trials all over it but there is always a film of algae left behind. Do I need a bigger crew?
FYI: Tank has been running for a month now.
55 gallon w/10 gallon sump
60 #'s of Fiji LR/2" live sand bed
4-54W T5 HO-1 Sun-6000K, 1 Aquablue-11000K and 2 Actinic/Blue Plus
AquaC Remora skimmer
2 MaxiJet 1200powerheads
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Sally LightFoot Crab
1 Emerald Crab
2 Blue Neon Hermits
20 Nassarius Snails
15 Cerith Snails
7 Margarita Snails
15 Red Tipped Leg Hermit

vt rules

So everyone else has the algae film and the snail trails? Seems normal?
Does my CUP look adequate? I see I will need to keep adding to them since the hermit crabs seem to beat everyone up including one another!


Active Member
Yes very normal, I get them all over the tank walls. :happyfish
Yes, your crew looks good. I drop a mixture of 20 or so hermit/snails every 3 months. I have the best luck with the red scarlet hermits... Dependable and they do not bother long as there is food in the tank!