got ick?


well hello i know theres lots of these questions on here but i still dont under stand sumptin ok all my reading are fine most unreadible but heres my prob i have a 20 gal eclipse and lots of rocks 2 clowns frogspawns and polypse and a fire fish and a tang but well, to my knoledge ich is a spreadible diese but well only my tang seems to get it he gets it some times but it goes away that night but this time hes had it for like 6 days and im lil conserdedwhat should i do i have a 10 gallon tankfor a medi tank but but i dont know where to get started im open for all suggestions and wana save this fish blue tang cause well it was alot of money and my favorite fish and i have live sand and a power head thanks for all your comments in advance


Active Member
A blue tang in a 20 ga, thats why hes got ich. You cannot keep a tang in a 20 escpecially that kind, they need at least 75 gal. When you don't see the ich it is still there it is just going through different stages. You definitely need to get that tang out of your tank when or if he gets better they need lots of room, that would be like you living in your bathroom. But don't worry it is a common mistake that a lot of people make, who told you that you could keep a tang?
I would say put the fish in the hospital tank and do hyposalinity, lowering the salinity level to witch ich cannot live. Do you need instructions on how to do hypo? If so I just wrote out detailed directions in the new hobbyists section under the name "White spot ICH".


well the fish store of coarse its a lil mini one not like the ones i normally see thats why i bought it cause i always wanted one but what should i do with this fish then i sure the fish store wont give me a refund i have had it for a month lol and instruction are always good thank you i have a pic of it but its to big of quality for the forum can i email it to you
? thanks


Active Member
Yep I thout it was the pet store, reffering to "blue tang" is it a hippo tang or powder blue tang? If its real small you could keep him for a while but if this is a hippo tang then they can grow to be 12 inches long, a bit too big for a 20 gal if you ask me. I would have loved to buy it from you but since I got rid of my big tank I can't, later when you want to sell him try posting in the trading and classifieds forum, I'm sure someone would like to buy him from you. You can send me a pic of him, my e-mail is :)


I WILL AS SONN AS I GET HOME i posted it in diese section also but well beth thinks i should get rid of him and well shes an expert so i take you advises so i guess i will be gettin rid of it i mite put it in the tradin thing thanks i will send those pics peace your all very knoledgable