hair algae



I need help getting rid of hair algae. I am using RO water.
25 gallon,
35 lbs live rock,
25 lbs live sand and crushed coral mix.
10 blue legs,
4 starlets,
5 zebras,
10 snails,
2 emerald crabs,
3 urchins,
2 clowns
:confused: :confused: :confused:


What kind of biological / chemical filtration do you have, what kind of protein skimmer do you have. How long has the tank been running. The more history you give the better we can help


the tank is 5 years old.
pack pack protien skimmer.
using a 203 fluval with 3 different media.
no chemical.

cap'n pete

Hair algae loves two things (well three)...
1) Phosphates- do you test for these? You can still have phosphates despite using RO water
2) high nitrates- what are yours at?
3) old or inadequate lighting... how old is the lamp, may be time for a change
fix these things and your cleanup crew should take care of the rest. You will have to remove as much as possible with your hands and a toothbrush.
Personally I had an old lamp which startes it. I replaced it, used a phosphate sponge, and had plenty of hermits and a yellow tang (not really feasible in a 25). My hair algae is now all gone. HTH


Active Member
Cap'n Pete gave some great advise, I would also suggest testing your RO water for phosphates and possibly silicates, as well as testing your tank water for phosphates. Make sure you are cleaning your filter regularly and run some phosphate sponge in your filter.