has anyone been on a doner list before?


Active Member
if you dont know, i was hurt at work in sept. of 07. a blunt object hit me in the knee and the cartilage behind the knee cap was blown out. I had a simple scope to remove the floaters and such and the doc said you are going to need a cartilage transplant sergury and boy was he right my knee has been swollin for 10 months. anywho, the workmans comp pricks finally approved the surgery and i was placed on a donors list. does anyone know how long it can take? by the way the doctor told the workmans comp people that because they waited 9 months to approve the sergury he may have to replace the whole knee now. not looking forward to this recovery.


Active Member
can't you ask where you are on the list? kind of depends where you're at...my friend has been on quite a few...which can take very long sometimes...but then again that was for a lung, so might be a lot more into it matching others....hope you can get up there quick though!


the reason you may have to go all out is cause all the tendins and ligaments that were broke are all shrunk and gone and scar tissue has maybe taken over
my dad just had both knees replaced at the same time


Active Member
tobin was put on the marrow donor list right before he died the doctor that came in town to talk to him about it said that his age (42) pushed him lower on the list


Active Member
Originally Posted by markeo99
the reason you may have to go all out is cause all the tendins and ligaments that were broke are all shrunk and gone and scar tissue has maybe taken over
my dad just had both knees replaced at the same time
how did he do with his recovery


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
tobin was put on the marrow donor list right before he died the doctor that came in town to talk to him about it said that his age (42) pushed him lower on the list

i suppose it was a stupid question i guess knowone really knows it could be a day or a year . oh well
my dad has a fake kneecap so they should be able to just get a new one. thats a hard call because its not for a major organ. i would just ask like said before where you are on the list. ask lots of questions like does the list move quickly or not, are there other options if it takes too long etc.


Active Member
Yea I would ask some question.My experiance with Workmans Comp was a nightmare and would never want to do it again as long as I live.They will miss you check payments,wait for ever to OK something,push your Doctor to OK you back to work faster ect ect....I could go on forever with stuff I delt with while I was on it for a rotator cuff surgerys.My first surgery I had a clicking into it after surgery and thought it was just from it being operated on.Well 2 weeks back to work Blam dislacated again this time I have to force it back into place.Fast forward after 2 surgery 6months of rehab.Dr say you are ok to go back to work.I told him I am not going back to work cause it is clicking and last time I only worked 2 weeks befor I had a relapse.The Dr tells me that is the best it going to be and at 23 that was not the answer I wanted to hear from my Dr.Workmans comp sends me to 4 of their Dr to get their option.All sayed it was not done properly and needed to have surgery again.So I asked for a sports specialist Dr they sayed no.I went and got a lawyer after that.Fought with them for 3 months about the sport specialist.I told them this will be 3 surgery in 2-1/2 years and the more surgerys you have the less of the chances of you being 100% again.I did it your way 2 times I am doing it my way this time.Needless to say I got my sports specialist at the University of Miami and have been good for 6yrs with no problems.
Moral of the story for you.Get a good Dr that all he deals with is sport injury.Their will not be much that he has not seen in this feild and and would have alot better techniques then a regular surgen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
Yea I would ask some question.My experiance with Workmans Comp was a nightmare and would never want to do it again as long as I live.They will miss you check payments,wait for ever to OK something,push your Doctor to OK you back to work faster ect ect....I could go on forever with stuff I delt with while I was on it for a rotator cuff surgerys.My first surgery I had a clicking into it after surgery and thought it was just from it being operated on.Well 2 weeks back to work Blam dislacated again this time I have to force it back into place.Fast forward after 2 surgery 6months of rehab.Dr say you are ok to go back to work.I told him I am not going back to work cause it is clicking and last time I only worked 2 weeks befor I had a relapse.The Dr tells me that is the best it going to be and at 23 that was not the answer I wanted to hear from my Dr.Workmans comp sends me to 4 of their Dr to get their option.All sayed it was not done properly and needed to have surgery again.So I asked for a sports specialist Dr they sayed no.I went and got a lawyer after that.Fought with them for 3 months about the sport specialist.I told them this will be 3 surgery in 2-1/2 years and the more surgerys you have the less of the chances of you being 100% again.I did it your way 2 times I am doing it my way this time.Needless to say I got my sports specialist at the University of Miami and have been good for 6yrs with no problems.
Moral of the story for you.Get a good Dr that all he deals with is sport injury.Their will not be much that he has not seen in this feild and and would have alot better techniques then a regular surgen.
wow ty for the reply, yes i have experienced everything your talking about it royaly sucks. I do have the best surgeon avalible


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
wow ty for the reply, yes i have experienced everything your talking about it royaly sucks. I do have the best surgeon avalible he was the pioneer in cartiladge replacement surgerys so im very pleased with him very knowledgable. (did you get a good settlement)
100k I wouldn't say it was a great settlement but it is what it is.I wasn't going for money untill they started jacking me around then I had no choice but to get a lawyer.Thats good you have a good Dr.They s crew with your money so people that don't have anything to fall back on and they can strong arm them into going back to work early.Even if you are really hurt and is not the best thing to do.They are only their to keep their costs down and not for the person who is hurt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
100k I wouldn't say it was a great settlement but it is what it is.I wasn't going for money untill they started jacking me around then I had no choice but to get a lawyer.Thats good you have a good Dr.They s crew with your money so people that don't have anything to fall back on and they can strong arm them into going back to work early.Even if you are really hurt and is not the best thing to do.


Active Member
You can bet the WC is making the Dr say that.They where preasuring my Dr @ UM but he did not work for them and he told them he was not releasing me until he felt it was healed since it was my 3rd surgery.Make sure you don't take a penny befor you get surgery or they will try to say that was for your surgery which if you have to have surgery on your own it will take 4X what ever you will get.They will also try to say they are not responsible for it after taking money for them and you will have to jump threw hoops to get something done.They tried saying that the 2nd dislocation was a new injury even though I had only been back to work for 2 weeks.When I got copies of my 3 surgerys they 400k+ so ligiment replacement is going to be a pretty penny