HELP!!! tang has ick?


well, all of the sudden i noticed my yellow tang has white dots all over him...i'm guessing ick. man, i hate my LFS. anyway, i have a 10 gallon tank and some spare premixed saltwater sitting around. how long should i let the 10 gallon run for a quarantine? does it have to cycle? if i have to wait a while for the 10 to be ready what should i do in the meantime? i don't want any of my other fish to become infected. any help is appreciated. thank you!


Don't worry we can still help. What I did was take 10gal from your 55 and just do a really good water change. This way you don't have to wait for anything to cycle. Then get the tang, throw him in there and treat with some copper. Also, an alternative would be to perform a fresh water dip. Despite what others think about FWD I found that they are successful and don't cause as much stress as everyone thinks. However, this would only be temporary releif. I also have found luck soaking the tangs food in garlic. Your best bet would be the gt method.
Good Luck - I've been there before
one more thing to add. run a diatom filter on the main tank to get out any free floating parasites. then after that run the filter once a week to make sure the water is free from any other parasites. i do this with my vortex filter, and never had any parasites in any of my tanks. ;)


so it would be ok to put 10 gallons from my 55 right into the 10 gallon tank? and after that should i just take out about another 5 gallons and fill with 15? that would give me about a 30% water that enough?
anything else??


New Member
Kick Ick...this stuff is 100% reef safe...we have used it a tank with clams, bubble coral and other corals that are sensitive...use as directed and you will be ick free, and your fish will be ok. I used it on a sailfin tang that was on its last stand and am happy to say, still swimming :) KICK ICK!


Ok first of all if you plan on doing a fresh water dip you need a perfectly clean tank free of ich and other parasites. When you put the fish in the fresh water the parasites will die and fall off but if you put it right back in the same water he wil just be reinfected with the parasites. How long has the ten gallon been up? If it has been up for a while do the fresh water dip and put him in clean water only otherwise there is no point.HTH


If he uses 10gal of water from his 55 and treats it with copper then it will be fine and a fresh water dip woun't even be necessary. The filter is a good idea but if there are not any other fish in the tank then it will clear itself of ick within a month or so. Taking 5 more gal out is not needed.


you might could get a cleaner shrimp to help out the fish, but quarantine is necessary also. i used paraguard in my quarantine, and my fish were better after a couple days. keeping your fish out of the main tank for 30 days is the only way to really rid your tank of ich though. i would be wary of any "reef safe" treatments. just my op =)


Active Member
Try KICK ICH by ruby reef products... Worked great for a friends yellow tang, and he did it in his main tank... Nothing got ill at all!!!