Holy Cow we have Eggs!!

Hey there just wanted to post that my pixed pair of oscellaris have laid a clutch of eggs..they have been going for 1 week and both are primping and careing for them lovingly!! So if a standard orange female oscellaris and a black and white male oscellaris get to gether and make babies will they turn out to be picasso's or snowflakes? any input on the matter.

crypt keeper

Active Member
these eggs probably wont make it. now that you know the spot set up a egg tank. Place a tile on that rock exactly where they laid eggs and they will probably lay them on the tile.
Congrats. Hopefully my ninja clowns will make babies. I doubt I will ever raise them but we shall see.
I agree that this clutch probably wont make it.. and i will set up a small 20 gal. tank for the next batch to see what coloration they will be!! If I do get some picassos or the like this will be a valuable pair of clownies!!

I have sucessful raised daphodil brichardi cichlids and Julidochromis transcriptus...currently have more babies than i know wht to do with !!

bang guy

Originally Posted by FalsePercula26
So if a standard orange female oscellaris and a black and white male oscellaris get to gether and make babies will they turn out to be picasso's or snowflakes? any input on the matter.
Picasso & Snowflakes are Percula Clownfish AFAIK so that's not going to happen. I really don't know what's going to happen though.
THey host in several large hairy green Mushrooms!! Look at my avatar and you can just make out a couple to right of clutch.. Thanks for the info Bang Guy on Picassos and Snowflakes didnt even think of them only being Percs..But who nows they may look like them as well.. I will deffinetely raise a clutch to see and post the results after I get all set up for the next batch!