How Do I Identify What Kind Of Sand This Is?


I bought a 180g used set up and I got a huge tub (250 lbs or more) of sand with it that is not live since the tank had been broken down and everything was dry. The guy I bought the tank from didn't know what kind of sand it was. I can't really tell by looking at it. It's pretty fine grain and slightly tinted, not pure white. Is there something I can use to test the sand to see if it's calcium based or silica based? I thought about vinegar since I can remember making a foaming mess with baking soda and vinegar as a kid. Wouldn't the vinegar react if the sand was aragonite or some other calcium base sand? If it's silica based sand, I will probably pitch it but if it's aragonite, which I hope, I will keep it and seed with live sand.


Active Member
Is this sand from the tank that you plan to reuse or is it new sand? If it is sand from the tank I'd toss it, you have no idea what it could be contaminated with, especially if copper was ever run in the tank. If it's new sand you can test with vinegar like you mentioned.