How do your clownfish sleep?


Mainly askin this to find out if everything is possible or if something is wrong with my pair...
I got a pair of ocelaris about 2 - 3 days ago.. at night, the stay at the surface, floatin on their side ... i thought they were dead.. but they just seem to sleep like that... maybe theyre afraid of my hermits? XD oh, they stay close to the filter ... or the thermostat (always off since its hot here and temp is constant without it being on)


Active Member
Normal for new tank raised to do that, Untill they develope a symbolic relationship with something esle as a host ( if they ever do ). Right now the heater and filter is it. I hope you have sponge or something protecting the filter intake so the fish want get sucked in or stuck on it. Happens much too often.


Active Member
I've had my pair of percs for almost 2 years, and they've always slept right in the corner of the tank next to the heater. They also sleep either with their heads up and tails down, or tails up and heads down.


My tomato clown sleeps behind a rock with his head up and tail down. He likes to be right in the flow of a powerhead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Mine sleep in the top corner of the tank next to a PH.
mine too. freaked me out the first couple of nights.


My first pair slept at the very top of the tank, in a corner, behind a PH. They were sometimes sideways and more or less still. Sometimes they did very exagerated wavy motions. They're just weird like that - clowns! :hilarious


I can't tell if mine sleep or not! Sometimes they float/swim vertically in the top corners. Do fish actually sleep?


Active Member
Originally Posted by FLIGHTER X
wen u talk about them sleeping in top corner, do u mean they are floating? or swimming slowly.

Mine swim to be swimming in place very slowly.


Active Member
Mine used to sleep in the corner near the powerhead too, until they got their anemone. Now they sleep in the anemone all cuddled up.


I'm sure we've had these discussions about fish sleeping before. Perhaps they don't sleep in the same way we humans do, and certainly not in a way we humans can understand. But most of them do seem to do what we would interpret as sleeping. My Valentini Puffer lies completely still on a bed of mushrooms. My Hippo Tang wedges herself between two rocks. My Purple Firefish buries herself in the sand (I've seen her from the bottom of my tank, lying on the glass, with sand all over her.) My Clown stays in his anemone. These are the fish I've seen; the rest of my inhabitants disappear during dark hours as well; presumably they're doing something comparable. Except for the Marine Betta and a Lion - who keeps swimming all night. Frequently my Yellow Tang joins them on their night rounds, but then disappears for hours at a time as well. With the night lights on it can be just as interesting to watch your tank at night as during the day! ***)