How to deal with power outage situation


I had my power go out from Sunday to Tuesday night. On Monday I had moved my fish and corals to my parents house with about 10g of water from my tank.
I wanted to know what is the best way to re-introduce everything back to the tank?
I have a 29g tanks. I took out about 10g of water for the move so there should be about 15-20g left. The water had been standing still for about 3 days now. The water temp is back up to a normal range.
What is the best way to reintroduce my fish and corals?
Should I just put the 10g of water back in and then the fish?
Should I make new saltwater and add it and disguard the 10g I had already taken out?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pokdbz
I had my power go out from Sunday to Tuesday night. On Monday I had moved my fish and corals to my parents house with about 10g of water from my tank.
I wanted to know what is the best way to re-introduce everything back to the tank?
I have a 29g tanks. I took out about 10g of water for the move so there should be about 15-20g left. The water had been standing still for about 3 days now. The water temp is back up to a normal range.
What is the best way to reintroduce my fish and corals?
Should I just put the 10g of water back in and then the fish?
Should I make new saltwater and add it and disguard the 10g I had already taken out?
I wouldnt reuse stagnant water. Might want to change it out. I would honestly just toss em in but thats just me. I acclimate corals to temperature and fish to temperature as well when I add new children


Would need to know a lot more about your set-up before advising. What filtration? Live rock? Live sand?


Active Member
i think i would change out as much of that water as i could. does it stink? if so, it's not a good environment for livestock.
have you tested the water yet?