How to make GSP spread?


I bought this rock full of Green Star Poylps about 2 years ago.
It has been in 3 different reef tanks, started in my 30 then moved up the 60 and now it is happy in the 250 reef (2 months).
It has not gotten any smaller, but it hasn't gotten any bigger either!
What do these guys need to be happy enough to grow? :help:


Active Member
wow uve had it for that long and it hasnt spread!?!?
i dont know exactly whats goin on tell us about your tank and paramters and lighting?
i started with a 4" piece and it grew up a 12" tonga branch then spread to another rock the size of a melon and that rock is 1/2 covered too.... i can see it growing on a daily basis
i started with a piece of gsp about 8 months ago now and thats how much its grewn ive given away the orignial pieces to other local reefers to get them started and i still have a ton of it left im affraid its guna get everywhere


That is what I keep hearing from folks that have them. I made some DIYLR plates just so I could put this rock on it and hope it gets covered with polyps.
Currently they are in the new 250 gallon.
Been up and running for 2 months.
250lbs LR
200lbs LS
I dose B-ionic part 1 & 2 to keep the Alk at 9.3dkh and CA at 425 (+/- 20)
Mag at 1450
Phos, No2, No3, Amon all zero.
Temp kept at 80 (+/-1) with Chiller
4x250w MH (10K) with 8x55w PC (true blue) running 10 hours a day.
Maybe just more patience in new tank is all they need now!


Active Member
ya it sounds like you have all the right things going on in your tank for that stuff to spread like crazy
it took mine about 2-3 months before i noticed some growth then once it gets situated and starts to grow it grows like crazy i can see it growing about an eigth and inch a day in some areas doesnt sound like much but in a week thats alot.... its wierd too sometimes it takes a while for it to jump to the next rock
just give it some patience and i think ull get the results your lookin for!!!
share some pics of the tank if u got some


Active Member
lol thanks yeah everyone loves him/her lol
its got some great coloring and a great attitude never has caused a problem with anything in my tank he eyes my acro crabs but cant get in the sps enough to get them out lol


New Member
I have a hawian dwarf lionfish and he never comes out to get a picure of it....he has only been in there about a month..and my green star polyps grow like crazy onto my finger leather and preety much killed it..I moved it but it doesnt look so hot now..about a 1/4th the size it was when I bought it...
I just returned the original pieces to the LFS and got credit on a coral but i forgot the


I got an Ocean Motion output line that I could point more in it's way and see what happens, thanks for the idea Buzz!


Active Member
Ditto on the high flow for your GSP. Not only do they love it, but they look cooler too.