

New Member
Hey all,

Looks like my Potters Angel has ich...see a lot of rubbing against the rock so I can only assume my clowns have it also. Probably why my blue tang died. Ok so I have the Metroplex and the focus.

Ok so the question here is, It says to mix with one tablespoon of frozen food. So Do I have to defrost cubes mix and refreeze? I full table spoon of food is way to much for these guys. I only give them a quarter cube a day.



New Member
what kind of tank are you running and can you post some pics of the angel
Hi Thanks for the help

65 Gallon Salt
Live and fake rock
Marinland C-360 canister filter (cleaned religiously every 2 weeks with water change)
Ph 8, ammonia 0, nitrate 0, Nitrite 0. Salt level 31
2 Clown, 1 Potters Angel, 3 peppermint shrimp, 3 snails (Can't remember what kind)

Here is a link to the pix, the site said mine were to large to post.


Again thanks!



Active Member
Observation is your best answer. Look for rapid breathing, acting lazy and not eating. If it is Ich (******) isolate infected fish and treat in a QT tank inverts will not survive copper treatments not sure about hypo salinity treatments.


Well-Known Member
Agreed you don't want to treat unnecessarily. Other diseases will also cause that behavior and the treatment isn't the same for all diseases. Watch closely for physical signs of disease and try to get good pix of those signs.
Metroplex won't help with ich. It is better for bacterial infections.


Staff member
You won't be able to treat ich in your display tank as the treatment options will kill live rock and inverts. Do you have a quarantine tank?