Is it time to add some other corals yet?


Tank has been up and running at my home for 156 days now.
Prior to that it was in another home set up for 1 year. During move
live sand and live rock were in buckets of water for 48 hours.
System has had one horrible bout of hair algae which is now gone.
Coraline is growing over most rock work and back glass. Over the
past 2 months system has seemed to stablize out and have only had
to add Kent's Super dKH Buffer with water changes weekly.
System has 210 g display, 45 g sump (1/2 full), algae chamber with
cheato, 2 skimmers running full time, magnum 350 running carbon
(changed monthly), 4" sand bed, 330 lbs live rock, turnover rate of
approximately 3270 gallons per hour, 320 watts VHO actinics, two
250 watt MH with 10,000 K bulbs, temp runs 78 F with the chiller and
exhuast fans going. Water changes are done weekly alternating between
5 and 10 gallons. Top off with approx 4 - 5 gal of RO/DI water weekly.
Current spec's SG = 1.024, Ph = 8.2, NH3 - NO2 - NO3 - PO4 all at zero,
Ca - 510, Alk at 215 ppm CACO3 or 12 dKH. Currently have candy cane or
trumpet coral, green starburst poly coral, 2 different button polyp colonies,
green hairy mushrooms, and red mushrooms. All have survived and actually
grown over past 4 months. :help: My question is = Can I now add acropora,
montipora, brain, Xenia, and pipe organ. Or does the system still need time
to settle in. 12 resident fish, invert's, feather duster worms - all doing great.
Also once system is stocked with corals I am tolk both Ca and Alk will drop
between water changes. Once A few changes have been made and the amount of addatives becomes apparent - can they be mixed and dripped IV style. I know
kalkwasser is out their but with small kids and pets I would rather stick with less
caustic treatments. So far trbo calcium and super dKH buffer seem to be doing fine.
Thoughts and suggestions welcome.



Active Member
Sounds like you can add more coral to me, but not all at once. I'd apce out new additions by at least 2-3 weeks. Don't forget most corals without nematocyts (like xenia) secrete toxins when stressed.


Thanx for the response. I had been wondering becuase I was told not to rush to wait a year.