Is my sebae dying or is this normal?


I've had a sebae for a little over a month now. After a few days getting it home from the LFS it changed from white to the brownish/tan that its supposed to be. It has since settled nicely into a spot and not moved for a few weeks. I've been feeding it chopped up silversides 2 times a week.
80 gal with 50lb live rock
ammon, ites and ates are all at 0.
calcium 350
salinity 1.025
temp 82
My question is - a few of the tentacles on the sebae are a little shriveled up, when i say a few i mean like 3 or 4. Is this normal or is this a sign of an unhealthy sebae and its dying?
What are some signs that he might be unhealthy? He eats okay, water parameters have been stable.


do you see him actually eating the silversides? Is there anything that could be picking on him. I believe that might be a sign of stress, but i'm not tooo familiar with sebaes... sorry i couldn't be more help.


yep, he eats the silversides everytime i feed him.
I have a 2 cleaner shrimp, about 15 or so blue legg hermits, 2 clowns and a blenny. I dont think any of them are picking on him.
there is also a small 'bubble' on him, in between some of the tentacles. not sure if thats just the sand he is on or if that has something to do with health as well.
im really not too concerned, i just want to know what the symptoms to look out for if he does start dying - do all the tentacles shrivle up???


you may want to post this in the "clowns and anemones" section. They may be able to help you better there.


the "white" color in the sebae does not indicate good health. white is not their natural color. this white coloring is called bleaching. do a search on here for sebae anemones. their is a good thread of before and after pics of someones sebae. white was before and after a couple months of proper lighting and feeding, it didnt even look like the same anemone.


Originally Posted by neosoulman
I've had a sebae for a little over a month now. After a few days getting it home from the LFS it changed from white to the brownish/tan that its supposed to be....
I think neo said it changed FROM white, not to white, so it sounds like it's the proper coloration...


correct-0. color is okay.
still curious if its normal for a shrivled up tentacle or two? are they even called tentacles?