Is the hypo target of 1.090 the threshold of the fish or the parasite?


Just curious about how that number was chosen as the hypo target. I know some fish can live in both a salt and fresh water environment so I am assuming it is the threshold of the parasite to live. I have embarked on the great hypo train. All my fish are in hypo in QT. Display tank will be fallow of fish except I need to feed snails and cleaner shrimp still in display.
My reading of the archives is that it is 3 weeks in hypo and 1 week increasing salinity back to display tank levels. So at end of 4 weeks I put the fish back in the display.
In addition to the QT, I now have a hospital tank also in hypo with my split tailed neon goby.


Active Member
1.009 is the threshold for the parasite (in most cases). There are some strains of ****** that are resistant to hyposalinity. Use a guideline of three weeks after there are no visible symptoms. Then a week to raise salinity. Hopefully you have a refractometer or lab grade glass hydrometer to measure sg.



Originally Posted by nicetry
1.009 is the threshold for the parasite (in most cases). There are some strains of ****** that are resistant to hyposalinity. Use a guideline of three weeks after
there are no visible symptoms. Then a week to raise salinity. Hopefully you have a refractometer or lab grade glass hydrometer to measure sg.
It is very important to wait untill all visible signs of ich are gone before beggining to count the three weeks. Also, your display has to remain fishless for at least 6 weeks for all of the ich to die off.


Originally Posted by Tinyfish
Thank you. I am at 9 days now and things seem to be going OK.
great!!! Keep us posted


I lost my six line wrasse this morning. Don't really know why. The other 3 fish are still fine. I did a water change anyway. Kinda bummed.


Originally Posted by Tinyfish
I lost my six line wrasse this morning. Don't really know why. The other 3 fish are still fine. I did a water change anyway. Kinda bummed.
Ah, I am very sorry to hear that. What are your water readings today? Was he eating and acting normally?


Active Member
I am sorry to hear that you lost the fish as well. I would be curious about the water paramaters also, specifically, pH and kH, as well as ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.


The only test kits I have left are Ph and Nitrate. I ordered a slew of other kits that should be here soon. Ph=8.0, Nitrate = 15 (nitrate shows bacteria is doing its job)
The other fish are fine and eating. The wrasse that died ate the day before I found it dead.
I knew about the rock but I needed something to deal with the ammonia and it seems to work fine. Actually it has killed some of the unwanted algae on the rock. This is a QT tank so its not my display.


I found a dead snail in my back filter on my QT. I am running it without filter pads for circulation only and had some small rock fragments in it. Man, did that stink. I knew I was missing a snail but had no idea to look there. I was getting fragments to glue mushrooms onto them. I am glad that it is out now.


Originally Posted by Tinyfish
I found a dead snail in my back filter on my QT. I am running it without filter pads for circulation only and had some small rock fragments in it. Man, did that stink. I knew I was missing a snail but had no idea to look there. I was getting fragments to glue mushrooms onto them. I am glad that it is out now.
Sorry to hear that. It is definately good that you found him.


Active Member
You definitely do not want ANY live rock fragments in your quarantine tank. These will die during hyposalinity and create an ammonia spike.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
You definitely do not want ANY live rock fragments in your quarantine tank. These will die during hyposalinity and create an ammonia spike.
I think her fragments are just there, not live. I could be wrong though, but that's what it sounded like to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I think her fragments are just there, not live. I could be wrong though, but that's what it sounded like to me.
Okay, I was not sure. I just thought I would throw that out there, just in case.