Lime Water Questions


I am just curious if anyone uses Kalkwasser drips.
My LFS reccomends using the lime water instead of additives. That is the same thing as Kalkwasser right?
I was just wondering of anyone else does this and if anyone had any thoughts or opinions on this method.
I ask because my calcium is low (about 350) and tomorrow when I go to get my alk test kit (will test alk before doing anything) that is what they will say I should use but I wanted to get some more opinions before I do anything.


Active Member
I drip 24/7. But I have a high calcium/alk use.
350 is not to bad of a #. You may want to drip just at night. Do a search on how to set it all up and make the water.
Drip rate is 1 to 2 drips per second.


well my green open brain hasn't been opening fully and thought that might have something to do with it. I have moved him higher in the tank as to be closer to the light and have done water changes and nothing worked so I thought it may have something to do with the calcium levels.
I checked the cal at the end of december right before I added the brain and my cal was 480 and i thought I checked it after that but I must not have because I didn't write it down. I write down everything I do on a calander specifically for the aquarium so I have a record of everything I have done in case there is a problem.
Anyway, I added some ricordea on the first or second of this month and didn't check the cal because I didn't think I had enough coral to need a suppliment but when I checked it today it was down to 350 so I was getting a little worried.
I was planning on buying the lime water tomorrow just to have on hand when I go to get my alk test kit but I wasn't going to does or anything until I know my alk.
I did a search but that is to make your own lime water. I am just going to buy a bag it is only $1 and I won't have to worry about it. I am just going to use a gallon milk just with a piece of airline tubing and seal it with silicone and I have a valve thing from a power head I can use to control the drip.
I just wanted to know if this would be as good or better than some of the other additives.
Thanks so much,


Active Member
Many people use limewater with great success. I drip 24/7 in my 110g and at night on the 55g...
Keep in mind kalk (limewater) isn't the best for raising levels. Products such as Kent superbuffer and Kent turbo calcium can be used to bump the levels up (just be careful) to where you want them and then you drip kalk to maintain the levels.
Read through this post...