Maroon Clown Beaten to a Pulp. Does he have a chance?

My female maroon clown beat up my male pretty bad on Saturday. Found him at the top in a corner struggling to flee the female. Guess she decided he was an unsuitable mate...
Anyway, I went and bought a divider so he is safe in a small section of the tank. Unfortunately he is not eating and his wounds are getting worse.
Day 1 was just torn fins and his tail fin was gone but didn't look too serious. Gave him his own private area and have been trying to feed him daily.
His wounds are looking serious and I fear the worse
It's a 55g tank been up and running for bout 8-9 months now. Water parameters are all normal. fed daily and only 5 fish in the tank.(2 engineer gobys, 2 maroon clowns, 1 flounder, 1 crab,3 giant snails)
I have a 30g tank but it is not set up. And frankly the time and effort it would take to set up would be very frustrating if Optimus Prime were to croak soon after...(yes I name my fishes)
Would dumping vitamins into the water harm the others? Any strategies to save him is greatly appreciated
Thanks, Eric



ouch you can try Melafix. Worked well for me when my puffer got nailed by my cleaning hose. Turned my head for two seconds and bam.
Ok thanks will definitely swing by the LFS tomorrow and attempt that.
It's crazy how fast they can get injured. These 2 clowns have been pals for almost 3 months now, then I wake up and oh snap.
Karma is the only true explanation here... that's what I get for naming them Megatron and Optimus Prime...
Thanks, Eric
Nevermind, he didn't make it through the night. I am still going to get some of that melafix so i am prepared for next time
Thanks for the info,


Staff member
Normally, unless clowns area actually paired, they will not necessarily became a pair if thrown together.
Thank you all for your condolences.
Yes Ironic that Megatron KILLED Optimus Prime... may have just been a spoiler to the next in the movie series! sorry

Well the LFS offered me a great deal. They currently have a large number of tank raised Ocellaris Clownfish. Marked $29.99 per fish and onsale 2 for $50. He said if I brought in my remaining maroon i can get 2 for $20!!!! $10 per clown?!? $30 store credit for a fish i bought from them months ago for $25 Muahaha
Not sure I can refuse that deal
Thanks, Eric