Micro bubbles


I have a micro bubble problem and dont know how to solve it. I have tried sponges etc and nothing the bubbles are so mall thye go through most media. I followed sumps on melevesreef.com as examples and he said there should be virtually no bubbles comeing out of the bottom of the bubble trap. Not so there are a ton. and i can watch them travel through the bubble trap and into the return zone. Please see my attached image and provide advice if possible. Youll notice on the right overflow i have it splitting. i did this because I thought it made it less turbulant in the bubble tower. which it did but I switch to a basic mag 18 pump from a dart after the brand new dart started leaking.



Well-Known Member

..can you make the bubbles bigger? Big bubbles create splash but at least they are not a million tiny bubbles that can hurt fish.
Other than that...I too have micro bubbles (skimmer)...
I would love an answer on how to fix it.

gill again68

Active Member
Hard to see in your pictures but this could help. Make sure you have any device or flow coming into the sump as far from the bubble trap as possible. This will allow the bubbles to rise and pop rather than be swept by current through the bubble trap. I had some issues with micro bubbles from my skimmer and when I moved the exhaust from the skimmer away from the trap all was fixed. Hope that helps?


I notice I get microbubbles when I dont top off often enough and my skimmer doesnt have the correct air flow too it. It also seems to depend on what filter (flow preventer) I use on the outlet side as my old one was just barely big enough and if it got turned so that there was a missing section and a semi open hole in the outlet that would really make some bubbles.
im hoping when I got to a sump and have an auto top off that all of these problems will cease.
i only get micro bubbles when those two things happen, all other times Im good


The problem is the small bubbles I wish I could get them to be bigger so they would float to the surface. Could it be I still have to much flow throught the sump? I didn't think that would be the case but Marc from melevesreef.com said it should be between 3 and 5 x the display. Which for a 180 would be 900 gph tops.


Originally Posted by Chebby
Is your setup new? As the salt ages it will improve some.
It is a new setup its been up for 3 weeks now. Im thinking about redoing my overflow plumbing underneath and increase it from 1" to 1.5" and then 2" when they combine.


They are the returns and durso style pipes that you buy for AGA aquariums. I have the overflows up so that the water comes over the edge and falls about .25" is that clear?


New Member
If the micro bubbles are coming from the skimmer they will lessen as the skimmer breaks in. If the bubbles are coming from the bubble trap you could try taking out some of the rock rubble, which may allow larger bubbles to form and break on the surface before going through the system.


the stand pipes do have holes in the side and a hole in the top. I have tried takng rocks out of the bubble tower but it still does it. I dont have a skimmer in yet. Im waiting untill I solve this problem and know what level my water will be in that compartment so I can build a stand. Its definitly coming from the overflow output, but i cant determine if i need to go up in size? IM thinking of replumbing with 1.5 and then before the two overflows combine inceasing it to 2" and then only 1 tube will be expelling water. hopefully less force full too what do you think?