my 125

ok i had a in my 125
a niger trigger
a white spot grouper
catshark pup
yellowhead or fimbrated eel
i removed the niger because even though he was cool with my shark he wasn,t getting along with my grouper. always going at each other and he would bother the eel. he is in a 55 by himself ,so just asking to get ideas no flames what would you go with tangs or a tusk!
the shark is about 6 to 7 inches now he will be going into a bigger tank i plan in a year or less
eel is a little over a foot loks really means but is a teddy bear never bothers anyone and is always hiding
lionfish about 1 foot really cool trys to eat the grouper but is really cool
grouper about 5 inch or a little more very easy going he lays by the shark all the time
so what would you add thanks ***)


Active Member
well i wouldnt get anything, i would deal w/ ur current list, ull need a bigger tank or have really good equip. that grouper will need a 300. what im trying to say dont increase ur bioload while its already pretty bad
true i,am going to use a bigger filter aka wet and dry i have a old one just have t get a pump and repair some of the pvc pipes i have a skimmer and a uv already .


Active Member
what is the skimmer rated to? u have A LOT of messy eaters in there. it should be about double maybe triple what ur tank is
it is 18watt i know messy as hell i,am thinking of getting a vacum they sell i saw it on fosterand smith but is is like 200 bucks


Originally Posted by clowntrigger2k
ok i had a in my 125
a niger trigger
a white spot grouper
catshark pup
yellowhead or fimbrated eel
i removed the niger because even though he was cool with my shark he wasn,t getting along with my grouper. always going at each other and he would bother the eel. he is in a 55 by himself ,so just asking to get ideas no flames what would you go with tangs or a tusk!
the shark is about 6 to 7 inches now he will be going into a bigger tank i plan in a year or less
eel is a little over a foot loks really means but is a teddy bear never bothers anyone and is always hiding
lionfish about 1 foot really cool trys to eat the grouper but is really cool
grouper about 5 inch or a little more very easy going he lays by the shark all the time
so what would you add thanks ***)
I would stay with what you have right now,moving the trigger was agood move and will help with your current situation all though his tank isnt big enough for him long term you can put him in the 125 when you upgrade for your shark.Im glad things are going well but that fimby is a time bomb and its ticking.The bio load is reduced some now and you dont have to worry about coming home to a blind shark.Good luck I hope you can put some money towards a new tank rather then another fish.


Active Member
so wait you have all of those fish in a small tannk and you only run a fluval 404?
no skimmer? no sump? no refugium? no wety/dry? anything??
if not that tank is doomed, ims orry to be the bearer of bad news but it hads no chance with those bigtime eaters in there ... your levels will be crazy


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
if not that tank is doomed, ims orry to be the bearer of bad news but it hads no chance with those bigtime eaters in there ... your levels will be crazy
if not then that fimby will eat evrything...
for now filter is cleaned every2 weeks and i don,t over feed i only what they can eat i have a skimmer and a uv , but it,s not staying like this i,am going to fix my old wet and dry and i,am still going to use the fulval also .


Active Member
do you have any pics I would love to see this. Also please keep an update on this date


Active Member
they say from alot of reviews those skimers or only good for up to 50 gallont anks .. either way you are WAY under filtered witht hat fish load,, and your trying to compensate by underfeeding etc. etc..
theres just alot of problems going on,, but iw ish you the best of luck with it!
here you go got a awesome video of the fish eating and the shark destroying a silverside but can,t figure out how to down load it from mu new camera.

