My Dog Can't Get Into His Crate!!


Active Member
No, it's becausre it must be the best seat in the house! (The cat is usually right!!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Aw....I didn't know Mimzy has a kitty too.....
oh yes, matter of fact - we've got TWO cats. The one in the poor dog's crate is Lilly - she's our crafty little tabby-cat huntress who treats Roland as though he were HER pet, and we've also got Whiskey, the neurotic but affectionate calico in my avatar. Whiskey was the DH's cat before we got married.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
How can you not see why? That dog's head is huge!!! Way too large to get through the doorway of that normal size crate.
my dog NEEDS that enormous clonker; if YOU were smart enough to arrange a life in which you nap all day and are spoiled with treats and have to do NOTHING for yourself, then YOUR brain would be huge too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
oh yes, matter of fact - we've got TWO cats. The one in the poor dog's crate is Lilly - she's our crafty little tabby-cat huntress who treats Roland as though he were HER pet, and we've also got Whiskey, the neurotic but affectionate calico in my avatar. Whiskey was the DH's cat before we got married.
Whiskey is a great name for a cat. We have 5 cats, and 2 dogs.