My First Nano


I am new to SW tanmks, but my friend Daniel and my pal Mac is helping me start out. I have a 10gal. with 3 1/2lbs. of live rock in it, the fish (or animals)
1 Yellow-tailed Blue Damsel (.75")
1 4-Striped Damsel (1")
1 Hermit Crab ( .5")
1 Peppermint Shrimp
What else should i get, i have a black send-bed, and a large rick in the middle? i was thinking of a Yellow Watchman Goby?


Are you going to have corals? If so the nget some compact fluorescent lights. Corralife or outer orbuts are good.


In a 10 gallon tank with 2 Damsels, I don't think you should get the Yellow Watchman Goby, or any other fish for that matter. In my opinion with 2 Damsels in a 10 gallon tank, I think you have already reached your maximum number of fish. Even if you didn't have the 2 Damsels, I would say no Yellow watchman Goby should be kept in a 10 gallon tank. Sorry.


Active Member
i've got a yellow watchman in my 10, its pretty sweet, my tank is cloudy alot cuz he redoes his little burrow alot, but i like him, i had 3 fish in there at one time, but with damsels i recommend probably just getting rid of them.


Yeah, I have heard of people keeping them in 10's, but according to everything I have read the minimum tank size should be 15-20 gallons because YWG's like a lot of places to hide. 10 gallons just doesn't seem very logical in my opinion for a fish that will grow 3+ inches. Especially with 2 Damsels already in the tank.


Active Member
Hey, congratulations on that! I remember how proud I was when I got my 30 up and running... Anyhow, good luck!


Im afraid your fish options are quite limited. However with a bit more live rock you may be able to get away with a SMALL YELLOW watchman goby(many other watchman gobies get quite large.) I would stop at this point however. In time you may have problems with those damsels turning on each other.


New Member
I am new to this site also. I have a nano that is established and doing well. Be sure to read lots and ask lots of questions. There is a ton of knowledge exchanged on this site. You have a small about of water that does not allow for mistakes. My advice is to take it slow to prevent lots of lost fish. :cheer: