My new 150


I am still in the process of switching over from my 55 to my 150. I have a sand bed instead of crushed coral. I was just woundering, do i vacum my sand bed just like I did my crushed coral? if not what do I do to clean it?


Active Member
What kind of setup is it? Reef or FO? I have Crushed Coral in my aggressive FO set up specifically because I can't have a CUC to keep the sandbed looking nice....Guess what I am saying if you have a reef, you should have a nice CUC to keep it looking good and won't need to vacuum which is difficult with fine sand without losing a lot everytime. CC is no problem to vacuum.


Active Member
i was thinking about a cuc .i am worried about it nuking the tank.
never had one do they climb the glass or stay on the sand bottom?


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
i was thinking about a cuc .i am worried about it nuking the tank.
never had one do they climb the glass or stay on the sand bottom?
Sorry, CUC is for Clean Up Crew as in snails, crabs and so on that keep the tank clean, not a Sea Cucumber.