My new stringray wont eat!!!! Help


Hey everyone! It has been a little bit since i'v posted on here... sorry i'm been really busy and havn't had any money to update my tank until now.... it has been empty wiht only one fiish for months.. But now i'm back at it and have some new guys...
Here is a video
My problem is with the new Cortez stingray I have... I just got him and he isn't tank raised, and he is having a hard time eating... What should I do?? I'v tried putting Krill infront of him and silversides.. but nothing... I'm getting worried.

On monday my tank guy said we may have to try expensive live food but i'd to get him to eat frozen... Any secrets out there??
Other than that everything seems to be going well. I have a new baby shark, his personality is great! Enjoy my video!! Happy Holidays to everyone!!


HMMM...I have a Cortez, but have never had an issue with her eating...she is a piggy
I feed silversides...and raw shrimp from the grocery store, and also scallops.....
How big is the ray? When I first got mine she was only 3"...I would cut the shrimp into small pieces and tenderize it..
How are you trying to feed it???


OK...I just looked at the video...What is your substrate????
They need sand...and not rough sand


Originally Posted by meowzer
OK...I just looked at the video...What is your substrate????
They need sand...and not rough sand
I definitely have sand... i do not think it was rough.. my fishguy would have told me... I am just trying to feed him krill with a plastic claw... I also tried silversides, nothing... The food is still in the tank so hopefully he will eat soon... He is small probibly like 3'' also.
What do you mean by tenderize your food??? Mix it all up??


By tenderize I mean squish it know like with a meat mallet.....
and try shrimp or scallops...little pieces....the ray is not use to you so I doubt it will take it from you...bury a piece in the will find it